Megjelenés helye Iran - Pénzügy és kereskedelem - 12 Jan 2018 01:52 - 28

Hello Everybody
Here i compared salaries in most of the economically active countries, so you workers with low levels can make more golds now
To reach more accurate results, i used the average of three topmost values for salaries and CC values in each country
It's an approximate compare cause i had no choice but using job market's wages
After that i compared countries resources and made charts to show you which countries have more profit for owner of companies
I do hope these information help you to earn more golds ...

Top Most Salaries

Best place for owner of food companies
here is the chart that shows best countries with better resources for food and lowest wages

Best place for owner of weapon companies
here is the chart that shows best countries with better resources for weapon and lowest wages

Best place for owner of house companies
here is the chart that shows best countries with better resources for house and lowest wages

Best place for owner of ship companies
here is the chart that shows best countries with better resources for ship and lowest wages

Best Country 4 U
At the end i gave each country a point according to their rank in each chart
And now u can see which countries are the best ...

Best Regards

AmirTrue FighterGrizzly021lord sajjadhoomankhan127SibinMVJSBunnyLiusvetbgKame SenninSilenceKinyasUnIqUeMiNdUnIqUeMiNdUnIqUeMiNdUnIqUeMiNdUnIqUeMiNdUnIqUeMiNdUnIqUeMiNdUnIqUeMiNdUnIqUeMiNdUnIqUeMiNdUnIqUeMiNdhomersimpsonAce EconomistSiPaHiBeslanhaftvudJanusz19872AlanCacique PariaguanHozzászólások (28)

علیرضا امشب ایران هم جز کشور های فول بونوس میشه تو خونه هم 100 میشیم .. اپدیتش کنی اون قسمتش رو
... عالی بود .. ممنون

@Amir میدونم عزیز، برای مقاله بعدی اینکارو میکنم، اینجوری تغییر در رنکینگ هم میذارم و ایران به چشم میاد بیشتر

پس بریم ترکیه
راه رفتنی رو باس رفت

Nice! Great job! Hungary o7

Hail Canada o7

Good article o7

most good article v

حقوق ایران به 2.52 گلد هم رسیده بود (:


Good job! o7



it s 0.01g un france but nvm

Very nice...

V. S.

O7 japan 11th country in just 2 weeks. Good job friends


این اعداد و ارقتم چیه سرم ترکید و مغزم پوکید o7


Nope Japan gives 6/7 gold salaries to new comers and tankers fake article still vited o9


Gj o7

Hail Denmark Gj o7
