China Today

Megjelenés helye China - Politikai viták és elemzések - 05 Feb 2018 21:42 - 6

History repeated and Japan conquered capital of China

The Nanking Macre was an episode of m murder and m rape committed by Japanese troops against the residents of Nanjing (Nanking), then the capital of the Republic of China, during the Second Sino-Japanese War. The macre is also known as the Rape of Nanking or, using Pinyin romanization, the Nanjing Macre or Rape of Nanjing.

The macre occurred over a period of six weeks starting on December 13, 1937, the day that the Japanese captured Nanjing. During this period, soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army murdered Chinese civilians and disarmed combatants who numbered an estimated 40,000 to over 300,000, and perpetrated widespread rape and looting.

Since most Japanese military records on the killings were kept secret or destroyed shortly after the surrender of Japan in 1945, historians have been unable to accurately estimate the death toll of the macre. The International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo estimated in 1946 that over 200,000 Chinese were killed in the incident. China's official estimate is more than 300,000 dead based on the evaluation of the Nanjing War Crimes Tribunal in 1947. The death toll has been actively contested among scholars since the 1980s.

南京大屠杀(日語:南京事件、南京大虐殺、南京虐殺事件,英语:Nanking Macre, Rape of Nanking)是侵华日军在大日本帝国侵华战争全面升级的初期占领中华民国首都南京后实施的有组织、有计划、有预谋的大規模屠殺、強姦以及纵火、抢劫等战争罪行与反人类罪行。日军暴行的高潮从1937年12月13日攻占南京开始持续6周以上,直到1938年2月才开始有所收敛。据第二次世界大战结束后远东国际军事法庭和南京军事法庭的有关判决和调查,在大屠杀中有20万以上乃至30万中国平民和战俘被日军杀害,在大屠杀第一个月内约2万中国妇女遭日军奸淫,南京城的三分之一被日军纵火烧毁。





2015年10月9日、ユネスコは中国の申請に対して を記憶遺産に登録した

one minute silence for respect them



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:| Sad
i change avatar about this
@Qurcika o7
haa şu köpek yiyenler Laugh