Megjelenés helye Pakistan - Bulvár és szórakozás - 12 Aug 2018 09:02 - 17

GOG (Guards Of Green) Pakistan Military Unit is recruiting Please read below carefully
Currently we have only 5 Seats available, please read the prerequisite below before applying.
- Work for MU for 1PKR Daily (Twice a day)
Applicant should be 3 Months OLD and active into the game
You are not authorized to JOIN OR CREATE any political party
You are not authorized to take any part in country politics.
Wear MU Avatar

Thats All For Today
MOD Pakistan
IronHideArchAngel 70chicagolupanpaAustinPKPrleBusyGuyLynchcOSHicOSHicOSHiIronHideAustinPKHozzászólások (17)

I support

How many pakistani there?

Komeng saja koliko je francuza u francuskoj

MU LINK: https://www.erevollution.com/en/military-unit/101

good luck bro

Good luck


i love the art work a little mu soldiers intro can be good addition too and increase seats please

@Austin sure i will try to add some info in next article, plus there is lot more apart of the said package in this recruitment plan.

Gl o7


This mu Aint got future

Oh! So you guys quit ripping other countries and start predicting future
Not bad not bad 

Gog? What about Magog?

Google: Magog is the second of the seven sons of Japheth mentioned in the Table of Nations in Genesis 10. While the origin of the term is unclear, it may have referred to Lydia 

Good luck! o7
