Universal eNews

Megjelenés helye Bosnia and Herzegovina - Politikai viták és elemzések - 16 Jan 2019 13:22 - 20

                            As you know, the game is dormant, so it's time to wake up a bit, so I said I was doing an interview
The first is the German president:

Can you say something about yourself?
delete croatia ;)

How old are you and what you do in RL ?
delete croatia ;)

How long you play these kind of games?

delete croatia ;)

Game has become borring for a quite long time, how would you change that?

delete croatia ;)

What you think about new rule that admins implemented about CD time of 5 minutes for clicking on rw button ?
delete croatia ;)

What you think, who is rising resistance wars faster blue pigeon, bosnia soldier or princepoya?
delete croatia ;)

Is there any chance for Germany-Croaatia and Serbia alliance?
delete croatia ;)

If you are admin for 24 hours, what first change you would do ?
delete croatia ;)

Do you have something to say to my readers?
delete croatia ;)

peaky blinder:delete croatia

Thank you for this interview, ho are really good with words


Husina komsinicaHusina komsinicaPeakyPeakyHusina komsinicaKhabib NurmagomedovAntimon AstartesAntimon AstartesB A T A S H AB A T A S H AB A T A S H AB A T A S H AB A T A S H AB A T A S H AB A T A S H AB A T A S H AB A T A S H A2ping2ping2ping2pingspagespagespagespagespagespageSuzukaTopSecretKaveh

Hozzászólások (20)

#Delete Croatia
Ahahahahaha bu ne yav
budi dobar ili ti šaljemo kubance...Peric ceka zapet ko puška Laugh
#Delete Croatia, and Gurgia, and Severina Laugh
ovo bi trebalo biti smiješno ili ? Laugh
@ANGELGOSPODINOV Laugh U ll never delete Gurgia.
#Delete Croatia
Hahahaha a jest covjek saljivdzija, evo zamal da pustim u gace
#Delete Croatia
#Delete Croatia
Its impossible with your Aliance XD
greška u matrici 😏
Trebalo bi reportat adminima jer huso je ocito prodao acc
Pfff slaves
Dont touch Severina Peaky !!! Laugh o/
Intelectual limit reached @Peaky Smile
Bro: https://i.imgur.com/U5p7vUx.png Smile