Georgia Today

Megjelenés helye Lithuania - Politikai viták és elemzések - 04 Feb 2020 14:31 - 23

                                                         Treaty of Dainava

1. Georgia and Baltics agree to end the war and hostilities by not fighting against each other in any war, Direct, Allies or Resistance war.
2. Baltics agree to rent regions of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to Georgia for 80 or 100% bonuses, 50 gold for each, if they can’t be found in Finland, Russia or Armenia.

3. Baltics agree to give up its claims over Finland and Russia.
4. Baltics will not engage in campaigns that can prejudice Georgian control over Finland or Russia.
5. Georgia will not engage in campaigns that can prejudice Baltic control over Baltic lands.
6. Georgia will keep Pohja Eesti for 2 weeks and return all other baltic lands to the Baltic Union
7. This NAP will be valid until 1570 erev day

1. საქართველო და ბალტიის კავშირი თანხმდებიან შეწყვიტონ აგრესია ერთმანეთის მიმართ, არ იბრძოლონ ერთმანეთის წინააღმდეგ აჯანყებებში და სხვა ბრძოლებში.
2. ბალტიის კავშირი თანხმდება მიაქირავოს საქართველოს რეგიონები თუ მას ბონუსებისთვის დაჭირდა, თითო 50 გოლდად.3. ბალტიის კავშირი თმობს პრეტენზიებს ფინეთისა და რუსეთის მიწებზე და ფინეთს და რუსეთს აცხადებს საქართველოს ნაწილად.
4. ბალტიის კავშირი არ მიიღებს მონაწილეობას საქართველოს წინააღმდეგ წარმოებულ კამპანიებში ფინეთსა და რუსეთში.
5. საქართველო მეორეს მხრივ არ ჩაერთვება ბალტიის ალიანსის წინააღმდეგ კამპანიაში.
6. საქართველო დაიტოვებს Pohja Eesti რეგიონს 2 კვირის ვადით და დაუბრუნებს ბალტიის კავშირს ბალტიის სხვა რეგიონებს.
7. შეთანხმება ძალაშია ერევოლუშენის 1570 დღემდე.


Joker EvilGiga

Hozzászólások (23)

signed by gov of finland
Shame !!!!!!!
Oh my god georgians even talk ? isnt that over their pride if they cant assume they were fully occupied and was not able occupy all Baltic Union till they stopped fighting ?
Good that Finland sign it but is not any side of deal Smile
Some will always like and dislike but it’s good our war ended. Gratz georgia, gratz my baltic brothers, we did good
anyone from estonia does t like this nap please? xD it s the moment when wiped country requested for 3 countries (10+regions) in negotations, and they got it . . . by day 1 i have not seen even 1 nap like this, and here is written that estonia give up russia, country who has 0 region is giving up russia bla bla bla. delete this moment in history of geogia !
This treaty clearly shows our countries has interests in cooperating in future for such concessions, baltics allowing georgia in cores in treaty and georgia giving us all baltics, im happy for it. And ready to die, isnt you the guy who offended us with ussr things just because one citizen of our country offended you? Well... hope georgia dont shares your opinion cause we can see a future here with this treaty. Good job georgia and baltics!
Signed o7 jijiji
Good job vo7
poor Finland
wtf ... Sad nap is shit
not signed and I will fight against Georgia very soon
great job georgia
@Chuliganas don t u talking what u don t know, i never offended u about real, one guy told that russia raped georgia and i told him that all of us were occupied by russia and we don t have to talk about it with to eachother it was all !
not signed, shame on walen for such pathetic deal
it is not peace treaty, its a complete surrender with giving all the regions freely to georgia, you gave up finnland latvia lithuania to georgia , shame on you walen, i ll rather be wiped but fight till the end
Laugh Laugh Laugh buy q5 popcorn Laugh send contract please Laugh
Lets be honest - if I would not be so busy in real life I would compensate all new citizens in Lower Kartli and we would be even Wink GG good fight
Not signed.
Signed o7