Megjelenés helye United States of America - Kezdeti lépések - 15 Mar 2020 08:12 - 3

I have decided to do some myself and give a little education in writing an article.

This is how you make a link using text...
When you Highlight the link text and then click the link button it turns your text into a link that EVERYONE can click on.

I have also noticed that alot of people are trying to post images of links when they are long links this makes it virtually impossible for any of your readers to see the references you are making or click on the links so that they can see your proof.

There is only one line of code when posting an image and it askes you for the address of the site or hosting place you have uploaded your image to, to put it in your article... Here

Please reference these buttons often when posting images or clickable links anything else is a huge disservice to your readers

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Writing for old timers Wink
Thanks for the info
Information is always good, voted!