Megjelenés helye Hungary - Hadügyi elemzések - 13 Apr 2020 04:04 - 11
Dear Readers!
When we wake up today morning, we found a new resource distribution in this game. I would like to show you the new distribution in a mathematical approach.
I use this article as a resource:. Thanks for it!
Lets see my approach! I added the percentages of a various industry bonuses and divided them by the numbers owned by the country. For example in the case of Greece:
Food bonus: 80 %
Weapon bonus: 80 %
House bonus: 40 %
Ship bonus: 80 %
Number of regions: 38
I dont know, how should I call this number. Maybe it could be the bonus percentage per region. Or it could be admin-permanent. :)
Now, lets see this number in the case of few countries from both sides! (I will follow the sequence given in the resource article.) Of course, it makes sence only if we see countries, which own more than 10-12 regions and/or has colonies abroad.
As we calculated it before, Greece has 7,36.
Serbia has 280%, and has 68 regions, so their number is 4,11.
Croatia has 260% and has 35 regions, so they have 7,4.
Romania own 260% and it comes from 37 regions, so it means 7,02.
France has 260% from 27 regions, so their number is 9,62.
Denmark has 250% and 28 regions, it means 8,52.
And finally, lets see Georgia from that side! Georgia has 240% from only 16 regions. That effect a quite outstanding number: 15 (!).
Now, lets see the other side!
Iran has 240%, and own 29 regions, this is 8,27.
Bosnia has 200% from 19 regions, which means 10,52.
Hungary has 160% and we get it from 31 regions, that means 5,16
Israel get 120% and possess 21 regions, so it means 5,71.
Bulgaria has 210% from 21 regions, it means exactly 10 in this measurement.
And finally lets see the other side, in contrary of Georgia's "luck": Turkey has 46 regions, but they get only 130%, and this means a very low number: 2,82
Before this point in this article, I wrote only pure mathematical facts. Now, I will tell you my personal opinion.
The percentages and region-numbers are based on the current situation (day 1555, morning), I am sure they will change in a near future. To be honest, this redistribution is better for the first alliance. Rare bonuses are in their interrest zones or near to them (there are 1-2 exception) and that is why they could increase percentages, which will of course effect the calculated number.
I think, when a country number is between 6-9, it is quite fair. This means that the country has relevant bonus on every 3rd (nearly every 2nd) region which it owns. When it is under 6, or over 10, it could be unfair for other quite active and strong countries. For example, Georgia's number 15 means that they have different bonuses almost every regions which they have. Too see, what this means, look at Hungary. We have 8 regions at the moment with absolutely no bonus. If Georgia would have 8 regions, without any bonus, they number would be dropped to 5!
But after the math-approach, lets back to the game itself. I am curious how this redistribution will effect the war module. Will be any side-changes or will be any new war? We will see!
Best regards,
average citizen
When we wake up today morning, we found a new resource distribution in this game. I would like to show you the new distribution in a mathematical approach.
I use this article as a resource:. Thanks for it!
Lets see my approach! I added the percentages of a various industry bonuses and divided them by the numbers owned by the country. For example in the case of Greece:
Food bonus: 80 %
Weapon bonus: 80 %
House bonus: 40 %
Ship bonus: 80 %
Number of regions: 38
I dont know, how should I call this number. Maybe it could be the bonus percentage per region. Or it could be admin-permanent. :)
Now, lets see this number in the case of few countries from both sides! (I will follow the sequence given in the resource article.) Of course, it makes sence only if we see countries, which own more than 10-12 regions and/or has colonies abroad.
As we calculated it before, Greece has 7,36.
Serbia has 280%, and has 68 regions, so their number is 4,11.
Croatia has 260% and has 35 regions, so they have 7,4.
Romania own 260% and it comes from 37 regions, so it means 7,02.
France has 260% from 27 regions, so their number is 9,62.
Denmark has 250% and 28 regions, it means 8,52.
And finally, lets see Georgia from that side! Georgia has 240% from only 16 regions. That effect a quite outstanding number: 15 (!).
Now, lets see the other side!
Iran has 240%, and own 29 regions, this is 8,27.
Bosnia has 200% from 19 regions, which means 10,52.
Hungary has 160% and we get it from 31 regions, that means 5,16
Israel get 120% and possess 21 regions, so it means 5,71.
Bulgaria has 210% from 21 regions, it means exactly 10 in this measurement.
And finally lets see the other side, in contrary of Georgia's "luck": Turkey has 46 regions, but they get only 130%, and this means a very low number: 2,82
Before this point in this article, I wrote only pure mathematical facts. Now, I will tell you my personal opinion.
The percentages and region-numbers are based on the current situation (day 1555, morning), I am sure they will change in a near future. To be honest, this redistribution is better for the first alliance. Rare bonuses are in their interrest zones or near to them (there are 1-2 exception) and that is why they could increase percentages, which will of course effect the calculated number.
I think, when a country number is between 6-9, it is quite fair. This means that the country has relevant bonus on every 3rd (nearly every 2nd) region which it owns. When it is under 6, or over 10, it could be unfair for other quite active and strong countries. For example, Georgia's number 15 means that they have different bonuses almost every regions which they have. Too see, what this means, look at Hungary. We have 8 regions at the moment with absolutely no bonus. If Georgia would have 8 regions, without any bonus, they number would be dropped to 5!
But after the math-approach, lets back to the game itself. I am curious how this redistribution will effect the war module. Will be any side-changes or will be any new war? We will see!
Best regards,
average citizen
HarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnNilsonNilsonAndartaHuMaViHuMaViHuMaViGreen EyesNightwatcherHUNB OdonB OdonB Odonszeresd pocakotAta KhanGabriellaOrban ViktorPako22Pako22MonszIndianHozzászólások (11)

Agree on your point. Really interresting.
I just disagree on one thing : Turkey have low number because they have a lot of region in China and India. And these countreis are empty.
Maybe Admin should just reduce number of core of empty country, and let bonuses there instead of creating a desert.


1 resource in India and 1 in China out of what 35+ regions, not sure what admin thinking but i can bet he is drunk as fuck

Eldrad: I agree with you about empty countries. But to be honest, Russia is quite empty too, and has a lot of bonuses. Rare too. Not to mention Austria.


You are not an average citizen anymore 

Eldrad: they got nice bonuses in Austria, Russia and USA, they re quite abandoned too!

Finland has bonuses, too, and it appears to be abandoned as well.
*** GodEmperor ***

Even Georgian president could distribute bonuses fairer than current to cloak his intention lol

Austria have some citizens, Russia is more controversal but Russia dont have so many core compare to india and china.
And @zuzupetals USA is not empty, serbia know it more than us