Megjelenés helye Peru - Politikai viták és elemzések - 14 May 2020 05:16 - 13

If you have a better idea, write it in the comments,
I'm sure the admins will read.
Green EyesKame SenninRed EagleprogabeszMagniTeodorKBannerPony of DarknessRapidkoAid1Hozzászólások (13)

nice. vote

These really are some good features that can be implemented into game.


I personally agreed with one type of weapons. With the airplanes almost no one buy helicopters or ships. So is pointless have create this companies to build a airplanes factory.
Add more wellness isnt fix the overproduction correctly but it can be a short time correction.
Delete the LK wont make people fight more. That will make people quit.
You should make a weapons, tanks, warships and helicopters factories refund and keep only Airplanes.
The missiles will make with q1 to q5 airplanes.
And the hyperbar is the worst idea you ever have! 1 hb doesn t make any difference at all
Now battles will have 10B damage esch side TOP

Great idea, o7

v c already sub
your turn to subscribe

V prro

What is a fukkin difference between hyperbar and life kit besides inability to stack?

syth u need food to use hyperbar. With kits you dont, so it is kinda a good change except the fact that you cannot stack it

excellent analysis and very good ideas

Another possible change: Make the hyperbars storable
