Megjelenés helye France - Bulvár és szórakozás - 02 Aug 2020 14:20 - 11

French girl playing the intro music.
I have been told that my recent articles have been a little bit too masculine, so that s why today we will be focusing on boobs!
This is what boobs mean in other (non-French) countries:

This is what boobs mean in France:

So I dont know about you, but I prefer the boobs in France !
I also like the full 4x100% bonuses in France. And those low taxes. And cheap prices on French market... :)
In the end I would like to show you some more French chicks!

The president of France OrignalQc getting ready to work.

Governor Leonardo Grimaldi playing with his French girlfriend.

Minister of Education Norfe s chick, he clearly likes younger women.

One of French Prime Minister Winston Hope Smith s French side chicks.

MoFA of France 14eme Majistorm telling his girl some instructions.
At the very end I have a very rare picture of Carnax and Azzazel87 taking a shower French style ! #nohomo

The soap was very slippery and kept falling on the floor...
I hope you enjoyed the article!
- Kendo ´The Alpha Male´ Yanar
Leonardo GrimaldiLo0pinGPony of DarknessKoreysArtiom BeleaevKennedyDondarrionRadule90DubidonDubidonDubidonDubidonDubidonDubidonDubidonDubidonDubidonDubidonbstospecalone96Nebimuskorchabonkakashi681MukhraniHozzászólások (11)

I told you that was a private picture :o

I m sorry, I just had to publish it since I want to show that France is 100% transparent country with no secrets !

Oops ! i drop the soap #nohomo

Hail France o7

Hail France o7
@Carnax I m sure it was just accident 

fail with soap

The presidento of France is grandma fucker. Babojebac


i want more like the second and last photo

#ilikefrenchboobs except number 2 and 4 pics 😀😀

Voting for boobs is voting for a ticket to hell, no to hedonism and sin! (but I voted anyway, oh well... now I need to buy a thermal underwear to support the heat...)