Megjelenés helye Serbia - Hadügyi parancsok - 13 Jan 2021 02:12 - 12
Active players know when you are the enemy of Hungary, somehow countries which you did not know exist on the map WILL ATTACK YOU. Yep, you read it correctly. In the next text, I will show you the history of this phenomenom.
He even has more CP medals than HW :D
Also, our production noticed a new phenomenon called: My multi as a MoD of another country so I can attack at the same time with all my countries.
We have situaction where Hungary, Australia, Russia and Bulgaria declared war on Serbia. So, we can expect that one player will attack us in the middle of the night with four countries.
Active players know when you are the enemy of Hungary, somehow countries which you did not know exist on the map WILL ATTACK YOU. Yep, you read it correctly. In the next text, I will show you the history of this phenomenom.






He even has more CP medals than HW :D
Also, our production noticed a new phenomenon called: My multi as a MoD of another country so I can attack at the same time with all my countries.

We have situaction where Hungary, Australia, Russia and Bulgaria declared war on Serbia. So, we can expect that one player will attack us in the middle of the night with four countries.
Kocaelispor41Kocaelispor41CooiBunnyLiuTorpedjoPony of DarknessBornaXSRBIJANACL DusanDeNiroBaba VosschicagolupanpaSinanofskiIvanMark0mrarizonaHozzászólások (12)

taši taši talana, padne hun sa tavana

In this article; In order to stop Denmark, you can see from how many fake accounts war laws were passed. Now that new wars have started, fake accounts are online. Just guess who controls those accounts 

Galaico aka Peaky, I do not know. Can you tell me?

@the_passenger Produce in Greece 4*100 Bonus + tax refund for friends and allies

Or i would like to ask who is the new CP of fyrom ...

We all know this multies, only admin ignores them

Hawkoulis new cp of macedonia plays this game longer that you, where is the problem?

Norveški CP mislim da je bivši igrač iz Peru ukoliko nije ukrao avatar.

Bornax Produce in Greece 4*100 Bonus

Hawkoulis trolled this article 

@BornaX, north macedonia, no macedonia