Megjelenés helye Germany - Kezdeti lépések - 27 Jan 2022 12:26 - 35
First i wish you all welcome reading this article and i want to show you how you should play this game, at least those players who doesn't buy packs. Its easy way or how i like to call it romanian way :)
Step 1 : Make account ( i will call it bot , not multi, just bot), it will be nice that bot is made trough referral so basically player that made that bot account will have big gold income from referrals golds and smth that is even better you will get gems. Now when you made bot account we can go to step 2-
Step 2: You will ask admin to give you starter pack, if you are romanian player you will have more chance to get that pack because romanians are now admin favourite pets, because amount of players that are selling packs to other people. ( i am sorry but this was excellent chance to insult romanians in fair way ) OK, so bot asked for starter pack and bot got SP.
Step 3: Most important step, Bot first day play, do things, change avatar, join MU, party, etc, then bot is set under sitter option. Now game start. most important thing is that you don't have donations via bot to anyone, you buy things from markets or contracts. in 10-15 days you will get around 5k golds or more from medals , it will be easy for bot to buy weps food, even packs for gold from other players which will generate more golds etc. Not to mention that so far referral trough bot has register have more than 500 golds from referrals and at least 20 gems.
Step 4: start to send golds to treasury not much, little by little, so far bot have shot at least 500b against enemy players who doesn't have privilege to get a lot golds from medals.Multiply this with at least 50-100 bot romanian accounts you will have picture how romanians rose.
Step 5 . when you shot everything that you had its time to stop playing, golds from medals stopped, etc... Its time to degrade what you have and golds are again poured into country treasury.
How to catch bot ?
Bot is usually starter pack player who didn't bought q1,q2,q3 hospitals even that he had a lot of golds or player who didn't upgrade training grounds. (These 2 things only admin cans see) rest things normal players can see, bot is player that doesn't have discord account ( only account in mr bogdan imaginary telegram group), player that doesn't care for pet, player that is register not so long ago. Most of bots didn't finished last event so they don't have bird pet also.
Bot v2 is smth that started happening not so long ago. Bot V2 is so called player that come back playing after 4-5 years, player who got also free SP, but he have big number of old hyper bottles / yes those green ones). Playing is same again trough sitter option, but in this case golds get referral trough bot V2 have been register first time.
When i was talking about free SP and what they are causing nobody didn't want to listen. Now we have a group of players that are close to tsigger in number of pets and only tsigger knows how much he spent for his pets, and those small group didn't spent a dime.
OK, to much writing for me , i will give you example of some players that are bot players with starer pack where most of them don't play anymore, but damage that its done to us who play is irreversible. I am talking for our side of players, romanian allies doesn't care, but this can happen to you also tomorrow.
this is list that i gathered for less than 1h, ;
etc, etc ;)
Do you see amount of accounts that i am talking about and everything is legal, right , Lets say that every account pumped at least 5k golds ingame trough medals, 500 golds to referrals. As i said Romanians game new meaning to cheating. Okremuli su igricu što bi mi srbi rekli ;)
Remember how i mentioned golds are pouring in country treasure, ofc you do remember, This is explanation of how RL romanian players that play have managed to buy their pets to level that i will be able probably to reach even that i buy every pack with pink stones and finishing every mission with pets will not be able to reach in next 2 years.
I suspect that all these accounts that were abandoned and no longer played were to be used to fill the treasury with gold, which gold went Bogdan. The scheme I ume is as follows. Once the account acquires gold, it builds and destroys companies in Romania. Thus, 10% of what he spent goes to the treasury. this process is done until the gold disappears from the account. We suspect that they used many of their accounts in order to bring gold to the treasury and develop their main accounts.
Read this and be ready for part 2 and someone can send this link of article to admin
Important note. ; for this romanian option you dont need to use VPN ;)
Step 1 : Make account ( i will call it bot , not multi, just bot), it will be nice that bot is made trough referral so basically player that made that bot account will have big gold income from referrals golds and smth that is even better you will get gems. Now when you made bot account we can go to step 2-
Step 2: You will ask admin to give you starter pack, if you are romanian player you will have more chance to get that pack because romanians are now admin favourite pets, because amount of players that are selling packs to other people. ( i am sorry but this was excellent chance to insult romanians in fair way ) OK, so bot asked for starter pack and bot got SP.
Step 3: Most important step, Bot first day play, do things, change avatar, join MU, party, etc, then bot is set under sitter option. Now game start. most important thing is that you don't have donations via bot to anyone, you buy things from markets or contracts. in 10-15 days you will get around 5k golds or more from medals , it will be easy for bot to buy weps food, even packs for gold from other players which will generate more golds etc. Not to mention that so far referral trough bot has register have more than 500 golds from referrals and at least 20 gems.
Step 4: start to send golds to treasury not much, little by little, so far bot have shot at least 500b against enemy players who doesn't have privilege to get a lot golds from medals.Multiply this with at least 50-100 bot romanian accounts you will have picture how romanians rose.
Step 5 . when you shot everything that you had its time to stop playing, golds from medals stopped, etc... Its time to degrade what you have and golds are again poured into country treasury.
How to catch bot ?
Bot is usually starter pack player who didn't bought q1,q2,q3 hospitals even that he had a lot of golds or player who didn't upgrade training grounds. (These 2 things only admin cans see) rest things normal players can see, bot is player that doesn't have discord account ( only account in mr bogdan imaginary telegram group), player that doesn't care for pet, player that is register not so long ago. Most of bots didn't finished last event so they don't have bird pet also.
Bot v2 is smth that started happening not so long ago. Bot V2 is so called player that come back playing after 4-5 years, player who got also free SP, but he have big number of old hyper bottles / yes those green ones). Playing is same again trough sitter option, but in this case golds get referral trough bot V2 have been register first time.
When i was talking about free SP and what they are causing nobody didn't want to listen. Now we have a group of players that are close to tsigger in number of pets and only tsigger knows how much he spent for his pets, and those small group didn't spent a dime.
OK, to much writing for me , i will give you example of some players that are bot players with starer pack where most of them don't play anymore, but damage that its done to us who play is irreversible. I am talking for our side of players, romanian allies doesn't care, but this can happen to you also tomorrow.
this is list that i gathered for less than 1h, ;
etc, etc ;)
Do you see amount of accounts that i am talking about and everything is legal, right , Lets say that every account pumped at least 5k golds ingame trough medals, 500 golds to referrals. As i said Romanians game new meaning to cheating. Okremuli su igricu što bi mi srbi rekli ;)
Remember how i mentioned golds are pouring in country treasure, ofc you do remember, This is explanation of how RL romanian players that play have managed to buy their pets to level that i will be able probably to reach even that i buy every pack with pink stones and finishing every mission with pets will not be able to reach in next 2 years.
I suspect that all these accounts that were abandoned and no longer played were to be used to fill the treasury with gold, which gold went Bogdan. The scheme I ume is as follows. Once the account acquires gold, it builds and destroys companies in Romania. Thus, 10% of what he spent goes to the treasury. this process is done until the gold disappears from the account. We suspect that they used many of their accounts in order to bring gold to the treasury and develop their main accounts.
Read this and be ready for part 2 and someone can send this link of article to admin
Important note. ; for this romanian option you dont need to use VPN ;)
NairobiitsoDainichi NyoraiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoGreen EyesExpoBGAdminMCMXCIVR I ONairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobisrb1n96Hozzászólások (35)

I will make it easier for you not to type profile links, it will be clickable, just to make coffee, dont forget to endorse so i can collect some CC and buy golds and upgrade some pet also 


This article made me laugh. I m waiting for the second part.

It s time to stop the sitter option !! I do not remember a poll for or against. but I know for sure that there is one country that takes advantage of this option too much ... They make accounts, then attach them to real players. I see it as a multi-account game ...

Lol, rare ocasion to see so much bullshit in just a single article 😀 If you make what Helsinki said here you get banned. Logic lvl under sea level

I quite my job to do multies

As i assumed romanian IQ doesent allow to comprehend some things, this article and links arent some list of multies, you upgraded sheating, its a list how you aquire golds trough bot legaly, this is why I proposed to admin to not give free SP packs anymore, he told me that peopole exploit gift option, i just presented how people are exploting free SO option

Honestly tell me sth, how is possible every new romania player to reach lvl 20 in first day? I invited in this game a lot of players, gamers that enjoy these kind of games, most of them quit before they reach lvl 20, others did it because i begged, some that went over lvl 20 left after of some changes. And i ask how Romania has 100% success in this? and how a big percentage of them leave game after lvl 20? i mean everyone gets lvl 20 but just a few of them continue. if it was because of your great teamviewer community you would keep them ingame.

When someone fails to do something they say: for sure others are cheating, that s why they succeed. Story of your article resumed in a few words. 

That s what I call a Cheater Textbook 

really Bogdan this is your answer?
arrogance and big words.

but no article about banned georgi! I m sure itso and atilla are hurt!


The scheme is crystal clear. Accounts are made, played through a sitter or, through proxy servers, gold is made and then gold goes to the treasury. After the account is exhausted, it is left, a new one is made and so new gold constantly enters the treasury. President Bogdan takes gold. A person who does not buy with real money gold , has no referrals at the same time has a high level of animal and constantly beats every week. Ask yourself how it where his resources and the gold he spends come from.

Over 90% of the accounts he mentioned up there are players gathered from the other games and players that came, saw how this game is in comparison and some stayed, but some left...
to bad his neuron can not see that and can not understand how a BB works... if Boikov would stil play this game he would teach you... but all the thing he says Romanians do up there seams that he and his germans did it... else how would he know with details how much gold its made from this and how all things go...
... Its and Atila must of told him exactly how they do their bots/multis... 


Asmin they can not understand what s an community, they are only

so Yasmina, you arent saying that bot accs that i posted arent true fact, finally one of your tribe understood what was point of this article, Point was to show how bot accs are used in battles and to boost few accs that are still playing and managed to reach crazy amount of pet levels

He simply does not understand the fact that while some players from the mother game
you all know what I mean... all came here when they left Pluto alone
and even some players from another game that did not dominate so good there
came here and made accounts.. some of us even made accounts there in exchange .. they came so see our game, we went to see their game
... some stayed here some stayed there... This is BB dear peaky... we all know your little neuron can t handle it... ask Boikov on the other game if he still plays there how its made... and stop shitting every time you open you mouth accusing honest players left and right...

I explaind circle of making bots, geting free SP, boosting other accs etc, and this is happening on daily bases still, from big romanian baby boom where more than 100 SP were given, less than 5 continue playing, again i dont count bots on sitter option and agin its a fact. If wanted to do smth i would report players, i just explained everyone how romanian community in this game is playing now

Cry us a river of blood will you?
All you do is cry all day long when you see your german shit has no sense...

I remember an article similar to this it was written by me

Saved by webarchive. Have a good night!

ALL from that List are my Accounts.
I used all of them and made huge amounts of gold...

Sorry, man, you re sure he invented means of communication outside common technology, maybe unlocked the mystery of consciousness (that s Nobel Prize stuff) and you worry about some golds? :s

Someone made the bulgur butthurt

Even if something didn t happen, something sure happened.

proud romanian bot

Its very suspicious how detailed u know how gold laundering works in game
almost as if u used to do it with ur bulgarian and hungarian friends for a long time right ?
or still do

Stop crying baby .... 

The scheme is practically his, but he blames others of doing it ... simple... 

I m selling q5 food. If you want I can give some for free. Food makes people happy, right?

Im full of referral bots but you must made a correction : Dumitru Rotaru is a noob bot