Megjelenés helye Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bulvár és szórakozás - 17 Dec 2023 23:24 - 1
Poštovani igrači erevollutiona,
Vidim u zadnje vrijeme da jedan dio igrača najavljuje napuštanje igre ,dok ostatak moli administratore igrice da napravi neke vidljive korake u svrhu poboljšanja same igre i samim time i povećanja aktivnosti na samoj platformi.
Evo i mojih predloga prema kojima bi igra dobila na zanimljivosti:
1. Sedmični događaj Lucky wheel ,nagrade treba promijeniti iz korijena. Trenutne nemaju nikakvog smisla.
2. Takođe Lucky wheel stalni događaj Admin bi trebao povećati mogućnost(u procentima) dobitka glavne nagrade ( 100 privremenih HB...)
3. Vrijeme je da se vojni činovi ponovo preslože i ubace novi činovi
4. Vrijeme je da se morske bitke i morski vojni činovi ukinu a igračima na neki način refundira uloženi Gold, moj prijedlog je da se proporcionalno poveća snaga svima u land bitkama
5. Na marketu je hitno potreban bot koji bi s vremena na vrijeme kupovao sve vrste proizvoda
6. Snaga missila i nukes treba biti povećana
7. Pravljenje novih alijansi ( sistem izvlačenja grupa nije loš)
8. Omogućiti kupovinu proizvoda sa svih marketa bez obaveznog boravka u toj državi
English version ( Google translate)
Recently, I see that a part of the players announces that they are leaving the game, while the rest are asking the administrators of the game to take some visible steps in order to improve the game itself and thus increase the activity on the platform itself.Here are my suggestions to make the game more interesting:
1. Weekly lucky wheel event, prizes should be changed from the roots. The current ones don't make any sense.
2. Also Lucky wheel permanent event Admin should increase the possibility (in percentage) of winning the main prize (100 temporary HB...)
3. It is time to rearrange the military ranks again and insert new ranks
4. It's time to abolish sea battles and sea military ranks and to refund the invested Gold to the players in some way, my suggestion is to proportionally increase the strength of everyone in land battles
5. The market urgently needs a bot that would buy all kinds of products from time to time
6. The power of missiles and nukes should be increased
7. Creating new alliances (the group drawing system is not bad)
8. Make it possible to buy products from all markets without a mandatory stay in that country
Vidim u zadnje vrijeme da jedan dio igrača najavljuje napuštanje igre ,dok ostatak moli administratore igrice da napravi neke vidljive korake u svrhu poboljšanja same igre i samim time i povećanja aktivnosti na samoj platformi.
Evo i mojih predloga prema kojima bi igra dobila na zanimljivosti:
1. Sedmični događaj Lucky wheel ,nagrade treba promijeniti iz korijena. Trenutne nemaju nikakvog smisla.
2. Takođe Lucky wheel stalni događaj Admin bi trebao povećati mogućnost(u procentima) dobitka glavne nagrade ( 100 privremenih HB...)
3. Vrijeme je da se vojni činovi ponovo preslože i ubace novi činovi
4. Vrijeme je da se morske bitke i morski vojni činovi ukinu a igračima na neki način refundira uloženi Gold, moj prijedlog je da se proporcionalno poveća snaga svima u land bitkama
5. Na marketu je hitno potreban bot koji bi s vremena na vrijeme kupovao sve vrste proizvoda
6. Snaga missila i nukes treba biti povećana
7. Pravljenje novih alijansi ( sistem izvlačenja grupa nije loš)
8. Omogućiti kupovinu proizvoda sa svih marketa bez obaveznog boravka u toj državi
English version ( Google translate)
Recently, I see that a part of the players announces that they are leaving the game, while the rest are asking the administrators of the game to take some visible steps in order to improve the game itself and thus increase the activity on the platform itself.Here are my suggestions to make the game more interesting:
1. Weekly lucky wheel event, prizes should be changed from the roots. The current ones don't make any sense.
2. Also Lucky wheel permanent event Admin should increase the possibility (in percentage) of winning the main prize (100 temporary HB...)
3. It is time to rearrange the military ranks again and insert new ranks
4. It's time to abolish sea battles and sea military ranks and to refund the invested Gold to the players in some way, my suggestion is to proportionally increase the strength of everyone in land battles
5. The market urgently needs a bot that would buy all kinds of products from time to time
6. The power of missiles and nukes should be increased
7. Creating new alliances (the group drawing system is not bad)
8. Make it possible to buy products from all markets without a mandatory stay in that country
IzgariashtataKame SenninT28KinaroniNight wishBOSMANRomyspagespagePeakyL DusanKromionKromionDarkestHour45Hozzászólások (1)

1. abolish
2. abolish Lucky wheel
3. NO
4. maybe, no, NO
6. abolish missiles and nukes
7. surely that is up to the community!?
8. NO