I write you representing Slovakia.
We would like to conclude an international treaty between our states where Slovakia would regain
Bratislava and
Western Slovakia regions. We can arrange something in return.
Current situation where Slovakia has no region practically from
day 1 is highly unpleasant for our citizens. There is no perspective of having our own government, or any bonuses on factory production. Slovak markets are closed to everyone without Slovak citizenship, so we cannot even sell our products. The players are dissatisfied and it ruins the game for us.
Bratislava and Western Slovakia have Fish and Iron resources respectively. Both of these Hungary owns in its core regions. In giving the regions back to Slovakia Hungary would still keep access route to its Czech regions.
We understand that we have 10 times less players and 10 times less firepower, and that we cannot militarily compete in this game with you. Therefore we are looking for diplomatic solutions where we both eat our cake and have it.
At the moment Hungary has no profit from holding these regions and giving them back to Slovakia would not hurt you. However, for Slovak players it would be a big improvement in the gameplay.
We all are looking forward to hearing back from you.
Best regards,
Representative of Slovak Republic