Megjelenés helye France - Politikai viták és elemzések - 18 Apr 2016 12:07 - 7
The facts :
Hi ! He, is Jimmy :

Jimmy loved Sweden not so long ago

but now Jimmy love Serbia

and Jimmy have one huge et

So now that we know the factcs, let's take a look on the Paris Battle :

Now look at this demonstration :

if 1,404,993,747 Is less than 1,547,469,168
So Serbia - Jimmy deal less damage than France and he loyal allys ?
So who is the real winner of this evening ?
Serbian : "TRS WON !"
French and allys : "Jimmy won !"
Come on guys ...
a little clue :

I would also like to personally thank each of our alliers who fought on our side !

And so much more !

Now look at this demonstration :

So Serbia - Jimmy deal less damage than France and he loyal allys ?
Serbian : "TRS WON !"
French and allys : "Jimmy won !"
Come on guys ...
a little clue :

I would also like to personally thank each of our alliers who fought on our side !

And so much more !

T3traMohammad SaadHozzászólások (7)

Tu suintes la rage par chaque pore de la peau. x) Ca sert à rien gros, tous ceux de notre camps vont dire que t as raison, les autres diront que t es un rageux. Mais je vote pour l effort. :p

Haha ça fait longtemps que je rage contre le fric et les admins ça risque pas de s arréter :p

I did not donate money for the game. but I m stronger than the French

Inspection you win money in this game on other ways, About 250? Well, you USED to win :3 So you are tecnically like a Visa.

You r lucky to have such good alliers