Megjelenés helye Turkey - Bulvár és szórakozás - 21 May 2016 13:10 - 22
Hello, and welcome to my English-teaching school, my dear Turkish frnds :)
In this very first issue of Turkish-English 101 we will teach many new Turkish players how to say things in English and when and why is the right time to say them :)
Enough talking. let us begin:
Did Turkey or any of its allies lose a battle? Yes? Well here's what you say if something like this happens: Damn you wolf/dog alliance with your unbalanced game, we will destroy you with allies huurrr durrr turrrrkkk
Moving on, if you just won a battle then you say something like this: Allahu akbar, thanks allies o7 wolf dog go home haha crotia destroyed go home cry we will come to central crotia and make you cryatians cry
And the last phrase Turkish players should know is a phrase used when a wild Marlock arrives. It has some variation, depending on your style, but I will cover all of them in this article. So, a wild Marlock appeared:
And you say: haha marcry trying to troll go cry home to crotia
Or:haha Marlock come to Turkey we love you come to Turkey for some man-to-man love
Or: haha marlock trying to be funny
So, cl is over for today, thank you, and come back next weekend to learn some more useful English words and phrases
Sultan Alamudonja out, hope you learned something new

In this very first issue of Turkish-English 101 we will teach many new Turkish players how to say things in English and when and why is the right time to say them :)
Enough talking. let us begin:
Did Turkey or any of its allies lose a battle? Yes? Well here's what you say if something like this happens: Damn you wolf/dog alliance with your unbalanced game, we will destroy you with allies huurrr durrr turrrrkkk

Moving on, if you just won a battle then you say something like this: Allahu akbar, thanks allies o7 wolf dog go home haha crotia destroyed go home cry we will come to central crotia and make you cryatians cry

And the last phrase Turkish players should know is a phrase used when a wild Marlock arrives. It has some variation, depending on your style, but I will cover all of them in this article. So, a wild Marlock appeared:

And you say: haha marcry trying to troll go cry home to crotia
Or:haha Marlock come to Turkey we love you come to Turkey for some man-to-man love
Or: haha marlock trying to be funny
So, cl is over for today, thank you, and come back next weekend to learn some more useful English words and phrases
Sultan Alamudonja out, hope you learned something new

MarlockJerryZGBHozzászólások (22)


The title should be How to be a douchebag without sense of humor.

go cry home to crotia 

Dorian i cried like a true crytian after having read ur comment 

i cry because i am crotian and we are crying people..I am sroyy dorian, what can I do for you? how about a private leeson?

@Dorian France needs some lessons too?

ı learned this week (idiot Crotia) ty teacher !!!

I do not want to die before I see somebody admitting when he s enemy has a good sense of humour, or before I see somebody having the ability of laughing on himself. PS. Good article.

Deadly, I am really starting to like you, you are so far the best pupil
but no joke, your English is better than Sultan s ( no joke or anything, you just know English better, I guess he didn t listen good)

v and s bro the marlock part is my Favorite

Marlock articles make me laugh, this article make me sick.

Dorian oh no, I m crying for you : ( drink some tea, drink a pill maybe, relax, and get better
don t let anything happen to you, us crotians would cry
btw, you should also take some english lessons

Dorian, it s all for good fun, nothing else!

Deadly, I can t find new worlds, you are right..The Spanish and the Portugese discovered the New worlds sadly..

Actually, vikings were there earlier!

Deadly only believes in Europe! NO OTHER CONTINENTS EXISTS!!! AND THE WORLD IS FLAT!!!

e članak je jeben, ali ova slika na kraju ...
di si to iskopao

its not fun just insulting but whatever when you cant find any words you do thats its simple
chieldrens work.. finaly marlock got a dude 

iz tobolca 

Deadly yes homo 

you are just little repeater of marlock alabud so let it be
don t try to make your own troll stuff because you re not creatative, not at all.

I certainly hope I am not creatative. Of course I m same as you wanna know how I was created? from Marlock..actually, Marlock farted really bad one day and then called it Sultan Alamudonja