Diterbitkan di Hungary - Analisis Peperangan - 30 Jul 2016 07:28 - 39
Hello eRevolutioners,
Today i have a really interesting article for you ...
As you may know the battle for the last region of Hungary took place a couple days ago....and now u guys can realize who u should REALLY blame...
Your loyal friend macedonia(fyrom)
I am just gonna leave this picture here from the battle vs Albania which took part 1 day later after hungary was deleted ....
So yeah if mkd would do as much dmg as slovenia did ..yeah they could win :)
UPDATE : IF ur going to say tht they had NAP and they couldnt deal dmg ...wel take a look on this bttle 5 days ago ... https://www.erevollution.com/en/battlefield/3487/1
They only did 30m right but if they would do 60% of it in the last region of hungry ..it could be saved.....so yeh im not trollin
Today i have a really interesting article for you ...
As you may know the battle for the last region of Hungary took place a couple days ago....and now u guys can realize who u should REALLY blame...
Your loyal friend macedonia(fyrom)
I am just gonna leave this picture here from the battle vs Albania which took part 1 day later after hungary was deleted ....

So yeah if mkd would do as much dmg as slovenia did ..yeah they could win :)
UPDATE : IF ur going to say tht they had NAP and they couldnt deal dmg ...wel take a look on this bttle 5 days ago ... https://www.erevollution.com/en/battlefield/3487/1
They only did 30m right but if they would do 60% of it in the last region of hungry ..it could be saved.....so yeh im not trollin
firewallKomentar (39)

v c

nuk po shof as shqiperine ne krah te aleatit tone

scared hahahah


Maybe beacause they have NAP with turks?

hahhaha so funny why dont u put pic of the others battle of hungary when we allways was 2nt on dmg on heling allys or 1st some time so plsy dont write ball shits on article ty and bye stuped guy

lame flame
learn how to troll 

w1zL, they do not care about such things. Propaganda focuses on emotions, not on thoughts.


Macedonia is one and Greek


@mcmoox i am not even trollin lmao

Paying golds for extending mpp with them is wasting golds only. (I said this as one of the Nexus members. I left the game currently but this is my opinion and experience for 150days) .They just help serbia because it is strong neighbor. others... go hell

come on they are sad bcs lag stoped they to do overkill 

@OwYea u trolling man because u dont see the others battle when we help Hungary just u take pic of yesterday when we have own warr with Albania so funny and stuped and btw Greece Turky and Albania can easy luse from us on 1 vs 1


since this was most important battle for hungary in last few days, he s got the point...
u just have to accept this and move on.


MKD is smart, they fight only for her valuable ally who can make a lot of damages.

Owyea its very intersting, maybe should everyone join mdp.Not enought hole world against 5 countrys XD
U r not STRONK 

@Jovanco, you re living on Dreamland xD You guys stocked for 1 months (probably more) and just hit 2.4b in normal fight. And Turkey is in war for 3 months without break but we hit 2.1b against q5 DS last week. So, go and dream somewhere else. Maybe we can let you Fyromians win for 1 time later xD

lol do you know what NAP is ?

nevermind i know you can t think because of the huge butthurt

#blame Fyrom

bad trolling you fail and SHEEPtaria will fall

Bad trolling , bad,bad....

haha you really dont understand what NAP means 

Makedonia its a really good ally °/ (you only blame yourself)


feel free to copy paste if you cant write correctly dude


Clearly some of you dont understand the term NAP. Please do some research when you re appearing with statements in the public. Thank you.

Who is this In*alid OwNou?

rule the world with thiis loyalty

you got 220 mil for TA. change the subject pls xD

dumbf**k XD

Where is Fyrom?

nereye sıçacaklar.