Diterbitkan di Lithuania - Perintah Pertempuran - 31 Aug 2016 20:58 - 66
Hello everyone!
During the last month Eclipse have fought many battles and most of them with success. It was really a good month for our alliance, we have achieved most of our goals through battles and diplomacy. The success of Eclipse, not only in the last month but through the last 5 months we have been together, the oldest alliance in game, wouldn't be possible without the active participation of our soldiers in the alliance chats, allowing the alliance to perform our battles with good organization and precision. Thank you guys!

After the end of our last campaigns, Eclipse have focused on expanding our foreign policy and work on making our family even bigger. In the beginning of the month Latvia have joined us, followed by India in the last days. Today I would like to announce the entrance of 2 new members, countries who have been working with us for a long time and that I have no doubt they know they are home with us. Welcome Brazil and Argentina! Eclipse is glad to receive you in our family! We hope to have great times together!

All our soldiers are requested to prepare for the war once again, there is already some battles going on and we need you on the battlefield! Let´s have some fun and always fight with respect. o7
Hail Eclipse!

Hello everyone!
During the last month Eclipse have fought many battles and most of them with success. It was really a good month for our alliance, we have achieved most of our goals through battles and diplomacy. The success of Eclipse, not only in the last month but through the last 5 months we have been together, the oldest alliance in game, wouldn't be possible without the active participation of our soldiers in the alliance chats, allowing the alliance to perform our battles with good organization and precision. Thank you guys!

After the end of our last campaigns, Eclipse have focused on expanding our foreign policy and work on making our family even bigger. In the beginning of the month Latvia have joined us, followed by India in the last days. Today I would like to announce the entrance of 2 new members, countries who have been working with us for a long time and that I have no doubt they know they are home with us. Welcome Brazil and Argentina! Eclipse is glad to receive you in our family! We hope to have great times together!

All our soldiers are requested to prepare for the war once again, there is already some battles going on and we need you on the battlefield! Let´s have some fun and always fight with respect. o7
Hail Eclipse!

Diamond LadyEl ProfesorLora BellaIroncodeNamejsdreeKomentar (66)

hehehe, alguien esta desesperado por daño 

hehehe y quien te ha perguntado?
Todos los países de Eclipse están fuera de batallas, por qué cree que necesitamos daño? que ingenua

Creo que no entendiste el español Walen, ECLIPSE no es quien necesita el daño...

Welcome friends!

V+ o7

v+ o7

V+ Hail Brazil Hail ECLIPSE

o7 welcome guys


o7 good, welcome arg and bra


Hail newbies ^^


hail Eclipse o7


o7, you are WELCOME, FRIENDS!

Hi o7

o7 welcome to Eclipse . Hail Eclipse

Hi o7

Hail Eclipse!


Hail Eclipse!

Hail Eclipse!

After this official unity + eclipse cooperation, if crotia will cry about balance i will kill myself.

Hail Eclipse!

cro please cry about a ballance once more !


Good luck ECLIPSE o/


Shirogane, no es por nada, pero cuando los cuckshed alliance dicen que otra alianza está desesperada por daño no puedo evitar descojonarme XD Avisame cuando aceptéis a Chile o Egipto en MDP o/

)))))))) this huge organization from eclipse http://prnt.sc/ccvigm

o7 welcome to Eclipse




@eCarter are you noob ?XD pls go to south khorasan and cry there not here XD XD

Eita preula...

V+ o7

Good luck guys! o7


Eclipse is only a part of Unity.

lol juka, Eclipse is only real alliance in this game right now, other alliances are based on Damagehood system and your alliance is great example of it.

Rey Cangrejo say Hail Eclipse.

Pues siendo MDP podemos intervenir directamente para mantenerlos seguros mediante NAP,claro si ganamos. / yo me divierto cada que lloran sobre balance,pero cuando ganan dicen que son lo mejor del mundo, n00bs x)

Buena feos bienvenidos

nice squad no doubt! GL HF guys!


Welcome to the alliance 


Ordem e progresso brazil




Welcome friend o7
