Diterbitkan di Switzerland - Interaksi Sosial dan Hiburan - 08 Sep 2016 03:12 - 19

Swiss Confederation
Federal State Release
set 15 gold on the Swiss market and I ll buy it for 3000cc (1gold=200czk), ....
Dear eRevollution citizens,
Once in a while you all get bored of something in life and u only wanna listen to music ♫,thats why swiss thinks for everyone.We are happy to announce our discord channel and a 24/7 music radio.Discord is the future of erevollution and thats why we are using it to store our music channel!
The chat is easy to join + the bots are easy to use!

How to join?
Just click the banner right below this text,enter your username and your good to go.

After login in you will be redirected in a screen like this :
Number 1 represents the chatting box whatever you type there will be visible by anyone.
Number 2 is the music room , you only have to click on it,disable ur mic (so others cant hear u singing in the background :3 )

~Commands are easy,once you join the voice channel you can type $play {music name} or $skip if you dont like that music.To view all the musics in the list just type ~queue.

In the server there is also an adult zone , you can get in only by requesting permission from the moderator,which is me :3.
Here are some ss :P

G 4 M p3trOs V E RPolemosInglourious BasterdsePazGeneral BlackGiovanno69Komentar (19)