La Lettra

Diterbitkan di Russia - Analisis dan Debat Politik - 11 Jan 2017 11:55 - 23

NAP Russia-Georgia : Day 367 - Day 457

We are pleased to announce a NAP between our two countries.

- Russia gains Urals region and keeps Kaliningrad region.
- Georgia keeps all other Russian core regions.
- Russia and Georgia do not go to war or fight in RWs against one another.
- Russia and Georgia do not help allies attack each other's regions.
- Russia and Lithuania do not go to war. If Georgia abandons a Russian region, Russia is entitled to fight for this region.

- Individual circumstances can have exceptions with agreement from both countries.
- This agreement will be reviewed every 30 days between the governments of Russia and Georgia.
- This agreement will expire in 90 days time, at the end of Day 457. So long as these terms are followed, Russia and Georgia will no longer be enemies.

Signed, CP of Georgia, CP of Russia.

Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer la signature d'un NAP entre nos deux pays.

- La Russie prends la région d'Urals et garde la région de Kaliningrad.
- La Géorgie garde tous les autres régions core de la Russie.
- La Russie et la Géorgie ne se combattent pas dans une guerre directe ou dans une RW.
- La Russie et la Géorgie n'aident pas leurs alliés à attaquer les régions de l'autre pays.
- La Russie et la Lithuanie ne se combattent pas dans une guerre directe.
- Si la Géorgie abandonne une région Russe, la Russie peut combattre le pays l'ayant conquise pour récupérer cette région.

- Des circonstances exceptionnelles peuvent altérer cet accord uniquement avec l'accord des deux pays.
- Cet accord sera révisé tous les 30 jours entre les gouvernements de la Russie et la Géorgie. Cet accord expirera dans 90 jours, à la fin de la journée 457. Tant que ces termes ne seront pas violés, la Russie et la Géorgie ne seront plus des pays ennemis.

Signé, CP of Georgia, CP of Russia.


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Komentar (23)

Signed MOD of Georgia Kiss
Signed by mcmoox, buying erev pack for 100 gold, PM Laugh
Signed by PM of Russia ! Happy to finally find a great NAP for both of us Wink
good news o7
Signed by MoFA of Russia. Peace brothers, peace at last!
Signed by the most drunk of the Russians after Jean Marie Le Swag. Laugh
Signed by PM of Georgia. Lets drink CHACHA muchachos Cheeky
Signed by Cp of georgia
It could have been better but haaaaa.... ^^ I wont complain
Fake :p
Signed, Secretary of alcohol, distilleries and related of Russia.
i am happy to see that my friends are no longer enemy of my nation Laugh
Signed Raspoutine, Russian CP o7
Signed by HCorben, future owner of a vodka factory
Signed by random Georgian o7
whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Laugh Laugh it was so funny
Signed by second Russian in Russia
On signe un accord avec le pire pays, super Laugh
Peace...... Signed by Georgia
when peace ends russia will DELETE o7
Good job Georgia and Russia, glad to see this NAP.