Diterbitkan di Turkey - Interaksi Sosial dan Hiburan - 16 Jan 2017 11:02 - 44
Today, I am gonna share with you one of erev night chitchats, we are waiting for you to go to bed for a nice
conversation like this every night :D (Just joking :p)
We are waiting traders to calm down :/
Lets start;
It is all started with Bamapanas going crazy;

Then we talked about f.. word is legal or not. (As you see, it is not :( )
---Start reading from the bottom in each screenshot ---

Umit starts...

Here, I still did not know it is legal or not :(

It is almost midnight, asmin is still trying to sell something...

umitsenguls dram :(

It is happening impeachment in Brasil by the way... who cares, Bamapana speaking here!

I almost missed it but asmin and Mozoce had some problem here;

After that is +16 :D


cakiMK is here, he is not joking :(

asmin... stop please :(

The day after, I woke up with this :(

According to rumor, 3 person got temp ban, 10 person muted that night. Nobody knows the truth...
EDIT; These screenshots are sent from Camelsoft, I didn't have them. thx o/

Sorry if screenshots are so long, I tried to cut them as much as i can.
Subscribe my newspaper if you want to see erev nights 2nd version :)
By the way umitsengul did his word, here if you want to follow Legal P*rn series :)
ㄥo Best regards ㄥo
TyraelDarken RahlnakituminayashiTricky DickvoozMajkPeakyShiroKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKavehDeath Angel AzrielHurricane98PalsuPalsuambrumisterioso95Komentar (44)



bunlarda o geceye dair bendeki hatıralar ekleyebilirsin

camel valla ben de keşke önceden başlasaydım almaya diyodum iyi oldu eyv
sonuna ekleyim ama yaa bozmasın :/

ahaha çok iyiymiş 


Hahaha what theF*** am I dooing here

Güzel bir porn gecesiydi. Tebrikler herkese ümit hocanın makalesi açıldı fakat karnınız açken girmeyin

they did give me a 24 hour mute Bastards lolz !!!

dude, not again 

200 suber

Majk is there - Vote is there!
It is almost midnight, asmin is still trying to sell something... - HAHAHAHAH every night at eRev...


where is ფეიხუაააააააა ააააა

damn i am on the news 

that was another night

Already sold my heli, do not contact me thanks o7

no mcmoox no vote 

Voted and supported just because of Asmin 

Ahahhaahha was funny night 

i am famous

so after reading this i still dont know if f. word is legal or not... v/s good job sultan

thx mate ㄥo

This is real fun #Deathfortraders

#BüyükResmiGörün #DolarıBozTüccarınOyununuBoz

yav ayrı bi chat yapın diyoruz yapmıyolar 

So it is legal or not XD


aa yoksa ortayolcular Turkce.bilmiyor mu ??


Bamapana xD

Fucking funny article

Dam it, next time i will try to get in the night shift too

Me ima mene ima vote 

How could i miss this convo...
