Diterbitkan di Brazil - Analisis Peperangan - 04 Feb 2017 15:51 - 32
Now that eRev admins offered an update on player API including medals details, I decided to create a Medal Calculator, which basically works like the already well known and famous Damage Calcultor. You just need to enter you eRevollution player ID and choose some other details such as: Damage Booster, Defense System, Natural Enemy and Number of Hits you intend to make all the battlefield.
The tool will give you by each type of weapon (including Warships) the amount of True Patriot, True Ally, True Revolutionary and Sea Legend medals you may gain by fighting according to the above parameters. It will also give you an estimation of profit/loss based on weapon average price.

I hope you enjoy this new update.
Mr Gabiru 749
The tool will give you by each type of weapon (including Warships) the amount of True Patriot, True Ally, True Revolutionary and Sea Legend medals you may gain by fighting according to the above parameters. It will also give you an estimation of profit/loss based on weapon average price.

I hope you enjoy this new update.
Mr Gabiru 749
komeng_sajaLeFrancaisLeFrancaisLeFrancaisKinyasK o BSenju kenshinWilfieBig Pappa Wolfno0bsailbotEl ProfesorCacique Pariaguanlegija69inevist3UltramagicThe Last Lynx PardinusThe Last Lynx PardinusI am doneAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralKant Step In Ze Rap InKant Step In Ze Rap InKant Step In Ze Rap InBasTonKatrina55HappymulemuleTricky DickszklaramusplFatihKomentar (32)



Good Job man! o7



great update for me. deserves my vote sub and endorsement

Votei e assinei

Perfeito. v+


Show de bola Gabiru


useful - thanks



Very useful update, thanks o7

Amazing. We really needed this. Who can we donate too to help maintain this really useful tool?

Show! V+


not working

Amazing job! Continua

Ahileus made it earlier

Gj Friend

Gabiru, não seria legal dar a opção de mostrar quantas medalhas seriam ganhas ao se calcular o dano normal? Ajuda a saber que arma comprar
No mais, está de parabéns