Diterbitkan di Germany - Interaksi Sosial dan Hiburan - 07 Feb 2017 15:12 - 8

Welcome to the second article of Sickside. One reader suggested me to use websites which provide graphics , but I would like to create 100% my content, at least do what my abilities are able to do. So I will upgrade the graphics over the time and I hope you will support my effort .
In that article I would like to discuss with you about destinations in our life that we would love visit. Personally I would like to visit a lot Ireland and Cuba in my life. Well you can't really connect Ireland to Cuba I guess. But that's the point of my choices. I want to travel and see different things and especially different cultures . Now I would like to start a dialogue with you in my articles. Some of the articles will be really short and focus on comment section. I will make another series where I will analyze aspects of game or other topics.
Also I would like to thank you all for your strong support in the 1st article I wrote. My promise for daily articles is the first goal for me to achieve. If u like that kind of articles or you want to see my future ones and get alerted feel free to subscribe. The top donators board will be in every article at the end so I can show some love to the ones who spare a dime reading my articles. Last but not least , in order to improve these articles and make it more fun for all , be sure to share it and refresh to read new comments and be part of the conversation.
Comment the destination you would like to visit in your life the most and for what reason!

PANZER stronKNikolaosGiovanno69Giovanno69AgoriaAgoriaKomentar (8)


England and any Premier League match.
Iceland cause of natural beauty.
Pfff, i wont finish this till tomorrow if i give you a full list.

japan cause ehhh japan

Serbia, they are the best 

Niseko-Japan,Patagonia-South America,Chamonix Mont Blanc-France
(same reason for all....snow-powder) 

Russia, Moscow

Fakir yunan
