Diterbitkan di Lithuania - Perintah Pertempuran - 08 Apr 2017 13:06 - 88

Today Lithuania woke up with a declaration of war from Bulgaria against us, country who occupies 8th position in damage firepower while we are in the 34th position. The reasons for this are probably the bonuses regions that our capital, Dainava, and our biggest region, Lithuanian Highland, offers for them. So this is not a temporary war, it´s a permanent occupation of our 2 main regions. For us, giving up our capital and our regions is not a option, we come through this article to call upon arms all our friends, all our brothers. Lithuania will accept the CSs of anyone who wish to help us in the fight, we need you in the battlefield!
We are facing a top 10 country who is coming here to get their bonuses no matter what it may cost to the other country. This time we can not cut borders like we did in the last 2 wars, we will face the enemy in our homeland, in our capital, capital that got a Q5 hospital for the first time since a year just a week ago, we will fight for it!

Furthermore I´m not going to hide the truth that this is not a simple attack for bonuses but also because Lithuania left Vae Victis a week ago. Lithuania didn´t leave because we simple decided to say: yay let´s go rebel and get different. No. We left after being totally insulted by the VV Headquarters for no reasons. And not only us got these insults, but we took the initiative to say we are enough. We have a deep respect for many countries in VV which I believe are stil our friends, but their leadership doesn´t deserve them, leadership controlled by one guy who thinks we are all subordined to him and that he is always right on his complains.

Lithuania have requested to enter a Vae Victis war 3 TIMES. We got denied all of them. Vae Victis launched all his Vae Victis Alpha campaigns excluding Lithuania of the direct fronts. Kinyas refers his ´refused to attack´ to the campaigns of France, Croatia and Spain where Lithuania refused to attack France and Croatia in february but of course he didn´t ask the March HQ about Lithuania wars where they denied us the fronts.

Well, from my viewpoint that´s not how members are to be treated in an alliance, specially when the accusations are false, no one in the HQ even asked Lithuania how were we dealing with the daily RWs from Norway, Estonia and Finland. Now the most funny situation, they wrote me all this because one single battle: Venezuela vs Canada. Yeah, all this because one battle that you see in the next screen.

We are probably going to lose our core regions because that but I can say we are proud to leave this alliance. Not because their members like I said above, but because the people who lead it. Bulgaria didn´t even contact us after the DoW. Lithuania can be small and probably not able to stop Bulgaria but we will fight with all our forces, we are not going give up, we have honor and we will show it on battlefield. Every help is welcome and Lithuania will be grateful to see who are our friends in this difficult time for our country.
To fight and resist!
Apply for our CS if you need.
Come in Lithuanian discord: https://discord.gg/FmgaanX

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