Diterbitkan di Croatia - Analisis dan Debat Politik - 28 Apr 2017 13:09 - 33
Today i am gonna share with you the facts about corrupt cp of Croatia Doctor Franjo Tudman and his shameful followers.
Okay, lets see how this guy became cp of mighty Croatia;
One dictator to another...

You see? No public vote, there are 7 no vote and still this dictator is ruling Croatia, because Nemeton wanted so...
This is sad picture of what democracy has become in Croatia.. shame...
But why Doctor Franco Tudman? Why Nemeton choosed him?
The two-faced dictator

So what, right? Well, it is not innocent as it looks... Lets see who is this Antimon guy;

Can you believe that? He was citizen of Iran which one of biggest enemies of Croatia... It is not over, he was also member of Green Berets, the green berets that faithless, shameless, satanist, heteropfobic human community.
He is still hungry

Everything is clear, no need to say anyting...
The Hope
I know, everything seems so gloomy. I know you fell so desperate, so exhausted. But there is hope, there is always a hope. Sultan is here to save you.
I will be running Croatia Presidency in next elections. Vote For Sultan, Save Croatia.
Who supports my campaign?
One of best croat tanks, and current MoD of Croatia, Borkhan;

You know his name but you dont know his story, Vladimir Makarov;

The greatest CP of Croatia in history, Antimon

TRmanTRmanTRmanVOLKOFFFPupovackI55myAr53Komentar (33)


vote for sultan

oh my God
the reallity hits hard

Lol. Now I have seen everything.

Wow im enlightened

Wow im enlightened o.O


#VoteForSultan #BanAntimon!! o7

@Antimon thx my friend o/

Iran is our homeland - Old Croatstan, and antimon has a cottage there

ono kad su i turci posteniji od nasih lopovcina...Sultana za CP

BorKhan x2

im enlighted

Sanader bolje vrati pare od transakcije sa Co.MOL za prodaju Co.INA inace si sledeci s kim ce se pozabaviti strasni Sultan H.B.

vote for sultan like was he is my ex cp ofcourse for 1 week 

this is all so crazy

You found out our secret mission

Where am I?

Franjo is dead!


I will be running Croatia Presidency in next elections. Vote For Sultan
We ve had your ancestors for 500 years in our neighborhood.
You should better run for a CP in Serbia or Bosnia, it s more appropriate.


vote for sultan

Tko o čemu, a turčin o demokraciji :-D

This is the worst shitty manipulation of all time, i mean your article lol, they are all corrupted vote for me , the fact s you have doing this article for your presidential campaign, not for the truth. 

@Risitas De La Chancla We will share same hq in the future, shame on you 

heteropfobic hahahaha XD

Croatia need to be removed from map

Dr. Franjo, Dr. Zoran, Ivo... Svi su bre tu ALI nema nam gkavne, Kitarovicka fali, neki novi snimci sa plaze, mozda jahe? I da rastera heterofobic-e?

sal gelsin o zaman