Diterbitkan di Ukraine - Langkah awal di eRevollution - 19 Feb 2016 07:23 - 39
Hello dear Citizens,
Today, we have implemented new change to the game, and added Hospitals. With it - a new type of company

Hospitals use same bonuses like Houses, but are harder to build, and have unlimited time and number of uses. Only way for a Hospital to be destroyed, is if someone conquered a region that the Hospital is built on. To use a hospital, citizen needs to be located in the region as the Hospital, and to have a citizenship of the country that holds that region. Hospital can regenerate energy once a day and the amount depends on the quality of the hospital that you have ( Q1 - 50 energy, Q2 - 100 energy, Q3 -150 energy, Q4 - 200 energy, Q5 - 250 energy).
Installing Hospital - When you finish building the hospital, it will appear in your inventory. Next select a region where you want to build a Hospital in, by clicking on details.

Here you can choose which hospital you want to install into that region (in case you have more of different quality)

Now we can see if there is any Hospital installed in this region

Now, if you open any battle while you are in this region, you will have an option to use the hospital.

Notice how the energy regenerates from using this Q1 Hospital:

If you ever start upgrading Hospital company, you should know that all stock that has been made is lost with the upgrade process.

If a region already has a lower quality hospital, it is possible to build a better one in that region, simply by opening that region page, and installing it over that old one (if you have it in the inventory), but in case you want to build a lower quality Hospital over higher, it is not possible.

Also another change to the game is this - We have allowed Houses to be build up to Q5 quality now. As for the formula for productivity and raw spending(this is without bonuses), it is following:
Q1 Houses use 1000 Raw per employee and you get 20% of the house built. This means someone works 5 times in Q1 House company, you get a finished house.
Q2 Houses use 2000 Raw per employee and you get 20% of the house built.
Q3 Houses use 3000 Raw per employee and you get 20% of the house built.
Q4 Houses use 4000 Raw per employee and you get 20% of the house built.
Q5 Houses use 5000 Raw per employee and you get 20% of the house built.
Q1 Hospitals use 1000 Raw per employee and you get 2% of the hospital built. This means someone works 50 times in Q1 Hospital company, you get a finished hospital.
Q2 Hospitals use 2000 Raw per employee and you get 2% of the hospital built.
Q3 Hospitals use 3000 Raw per employee and you get 2% of the hospital built.
Q4 Hospitals use 4000 Raw per employee and you get 2% of the hospital built.
Q5 Hospitals use 5000 Raw per employee and you get 2% of the hospital built.
We will keep adding some content to the game. Thank you for your support
Have a nice day
eRevollution team
Today, we have implemented new change to the game, and added Hospitals. With it - a new type of company

Hospitals use same bonuses like Houses, but are harder to build, and have unlimited time and number of uses. Only way for a Hospital to be destroyed, is if someone conquered a region that the Hospital is built on. To use a hospital, citizen needs to be located in the region as the Hospital, and to have a citizenship of the country that holds that region. Hospital can regenerate energy once a day and the amount depends on the quality of the hospital that you have ( Q1 - 50 energy, Q2 - 100 energy, Q3 -150 energy, Q4 - 200 energy, Q5 - 250 energy).
Installing Hospital - When you finish building the hospital, it will appear in your inventory. Next select a region where you want to build a Hospital in, by clicking on details.

Here you can choose which hospital you want to install into that region (in case you have more of different quality)

Now we can see if there is any Hospital installed in this region

Now, if you open any battle while you are in this region, you will have an option to use the hospital.

Notice how the energy regenerates from using this Q1 Hospital:

If you ever start upgrading Hospital company, you should know that all stock that has been made is lost with the upgrade process.

If a region already has a lower quality hospital, it is possible to build a better one in that region, simply by opening that region page, and installing it over that old one (if you have it in the inventory), but in case you want to build a lower quality Hospital over higher, it is not possible.

Also another change to the game is this - We have allowed Houses to be build up to Q5 quality now. As for the formula for productivity and raw spending(this is without bonuses), it is following:
Q1 Houses use 1000 Raw per employee and you get 20% of the house built. This means someone works 5 times in Q1 House company, you get a finished house.
Q2 Houses use 2000 Raw per employee and you get 20% of the house built.
Q3 Houses use 3000 Raw per employee and you get 20% of the house built.
Q4 Houses use 4000 Raw per employee and you get 20% of the house built.
Q5 Houses use 5000 Raw per employee and you get 20% of the house built.
Q1 Hospitals use 1000 Raw per employee and you get 2% of the hospital built. This means someone works 50 times in Q1 Hospital company, you get a finished hospital.
Q2 Hospitals use 2000 Raw per employee and you get 2% of the hospital built.
Q3 Hospitals use 3000 Raw per employee and you get 2% of the hospital built.
Q4 Hospitals use 4000 Raw per employee and you get 2% of the hospital built.
Q5 Hospitals use 5000 Raw per employee and you get 2% of the hospital built.
We will keep adding some content to the game. Thank you for your support
Have a nice day
eRevollution team
MrKearneyKomentar (39)

Vote o/


50k hrm for a q1 hospital? Sure

Pole o/

Nice job. Voted

aaron3998 - Hospitals are built by a joint effort of entire nations. They were not meant to be built by individuals, and they have unlimited number of uses, and time.

sell q5 hospital pm offers ;p

I believe it will be neccessary a level requirment to be added for hospital company, in order to prevent new player who decide it would be nice building hospitals to click and find out that this is out of range for him.
I believe 25 lvl requirement will be good - not too high so people with expirience and country support could enjoy it, but high enough a new player get on mind and understand what hospitals are for and how are they builded up first.

hehe they rich countries will have 1000 and poor any
only hope u cannt acumulate hospitals and/or u cannt get more than one at day (one each region could be FUNNY?). hahha it will destroy the game early
only visa can buy it and its unlimited... who can conquer a visa-region rigth now? hahhaha
but if enemy can use too... lol
explain better pls




"Now, if you open any battle while you are in this region, you will have an option to use the hospital."

I don't get the idea of above line, does it mean that hospitals are only useful when your region is being attacked? or if your country/alliance is the one who attack that region, then what the meaning of building a hospital if it's going to be destroyed once the region is captured? need enlightment

I don't get the idea of above line, does it mean that hospitals are only useful when your region is being attacked? or if your country/alliance is the one who attack that region, then what the meaning of building a hospital if it's going to be destroyed once the region is captured? need enlightment

Moers, no. You only need to be located in the region that has the Hospital. You can fight in any battle and heal with hospital, just need to move to that region.

Please introduce the National Organization, so that things like hospital can be build by the State.

ah, I get it now .. crystal clear


I want one

Marlock, I second that

State owned companies would be nice.
Rewards set by MU and MU storage would be nice.
Fixing the recovery timer bug would be nice.

v o7



V o7

all cpountry must be use one at least, soo all citienz can put few money to pay one betwee all
but in the end only the visas who dont lose regions will have all hospitals, and one in each region soo powerfull for them 

Admin, could you bring a option that can allow us to make workers work without us.

Houses are still costing 1200.. so...

The decepticons dont need hospitals.. =P

Also, fix the percentage in battles. When I see that one country did 6kk of damage and another 3kk, the percentage is 100%/0% and would be 70%/30% ca.

now big countries will have over the time q5 hospitals on every region but small will never have a hospital
what is the point???

Point to screw small countries

dear administration check your moder accounts this will be interesting.....

Some ideas for the Admins: http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/2818

You cant move if dont have gold,you cant fight for resistance if u are not in the region that is rebeling WTF is this shit
My subs reduce from 67 to 0 another WTF
This game is big Fail

Also the state that occupy an region have all MPP on when uprising start,but rebels have no help whatsoever....I mean WTF are u doing?!

Madres D: