Diterbitkan di Turkey - Analisis Peperangan - 22 Jul 2017 15:44 - 68
Few weeks ago, powerful members of Vae Victis left our alliance by complaining about some stuff, they may have their own reasons or not, that is not the point of this article. They created a new alliance called Nemesis. Here is direct quote from their article:
We were expecting their attack over Turkey for a while now as they promised in their foundation and made it kinda their only purpose yet of course they could not dare it. Instead, they decided to DoW Poland. Because they thought, we are like them. They thought, we will leave Poland alone in the battlefield. Even If Vae Victis lost almost half of damage power, they were scared so much that they had to ask Delos (Ukraine) and Fortuna (Paraguay) to join this war as well. As you can see above, they claimed that they will wipe us, that they will destroy our homelands. Instead, they wiped out small countries and chase after bonus. It is great to witness that countries who left us for those reasons are now fighting for same cause. That is for another article too.
Today I got info that they will try to show who is better, Vae Victis or Nemesis + Delos + Fortuna + Ace. Then they even created a mutual discord channel just for this battle to organize, with around 100 people in it. Indonesia, China, Taiwan, Switzerland and Bosnia each made over 500 million damage by move-fight. All this time they cried about balance, about number of active players, about percentege of damage... Today, according to erev tools, we fought against 870 people with 727 people. We fought against 18 countries with 9 countries (above 100 mil damage counted).
Here is the result who is better;
Thank you all for this great battle, I am proud of you guys!
Believe, believe, the Vae Victis comes
It`s an end to the evil, of all erev’`s foes
Beware, beware, the Vae Victis comes
For the darkness has ped, and the legend yet grows
You`ll know, you’ll know the Vae Victis`s come

PS, nolur vurun lan :(
Few weeks ago, powerful members of Vae Victis left our alliance by complaining about some stuff, they may have their own reasons or not, that is not the point of this article. They created a new alliance called Nemesis. Here is direct quote from their article:

We were expecting their attack over Turkey for a while now as they promised in their foundation and made it kinda their only purpose yet of course they could not dare it. Instead, they decided to DoW Poland. Because they thought, we are like them. They thought, we will leave Poland alone in the battlefield. Even If Vae Victis lost almost half of damage power, they were scared so much that they had to ask Delos (Ukraine) and Fortuna (Paraguay) to join this war as well. As you can see above, they claimed that they will wipe us, that they will destroy our homelands. Instead, they wiped out small countries and chase after bonus. It is great to witness that countries who left us for those reasons are now fighting for same cause. That is for another article too.
Today I got info that they will try to show who is better, Vae Victis or Nemesis + Delos + Fortuna + Ace. Then they even created a mutual discord channel just for this battle to organize, with around 100 people in it. Indonesia, China, Taiwan, Switzerland and Bosnia each made over 500 million damage by move-fight. All this time they cried about balance, about number of active players, about percentege of damage... Today, according to erev tools, we fought against 870 people with 727 people. We fought against 18 countries with 9 countries (above 100 mil damage counted).
Here is the result who is better;

Thank you all for this great battle, I am proud of you guys!
Believe, believe, the Vae Victis comes
It`s an end to the evil, of all erev’`s foes
Beware, beware, the Vae Victis comes
For the darkness has ped, and the legend yet grows
You`ll know, you’ll know the Vae Victis`s come

PS, nolur vurun lan :(
Ikta SolorkFerdi CarrefourSandzakGrey WindMatka DzianaDoomtouchableraczek32LegionistaTrue FightersorkhpostUltramagichomersimpsonCimenBatuno0bsailbotYasharAphianGrizzly021Grizzly021Captain HarlockGovernadorBaby JesusKomentar (68)


Hail VV Hail Türkiye Hail Friends o7

Ni idea,viejo.

Hail VV Hail Türkiye Hail Friends o7

Hail VV Hail Türkiye Hail Friends o7

Hail VV Hail Türkiye Hail Friends o7

better to cut roads

Nemesis sucks.


Hail VV o7

RIP Kinyas

yav he he

The better ones will be the ones not fighting against DS. Simply as that

Farming for a whole year has some perks
Just enjoy the game while it is enjoyable. Screw the farming 

DreSanu by that logic we are still the best since we wiped many powerful countries by fighting against DS5. Cry somewhere else, you became quite boring.

Sizi hemen yenmek yok acı çeke çeke silineceksiniz

Nemesis the chainbreaker,liberator and a failure

naber ç*mar

Very interesting. Awesome battles too

well VV cant allways lose, you gota win sometimes, enjoy it, this is just starting xD you won a battle, not the war

Hail VV . Fail nemesis

Master of propaganda...

Hail VV Hail Friendship


well, we ve won quite a lot of battles against nemesis already
the war progress doesnt seem to be on your side for some reason :thinking:

Hail VV, hail Friends!

...It`s an end to the evil, of all erev’`s foes... so 3 alliances aяe the evil guys?

More wars - more work o7
Keep it going

just LOL

Kinyas dont flatter yourself. Remeber when you wiped all those countries you had Bulgaria, Usa, Brazil, Indo, Morocco, Taiwan on your side. So you had a lot more power than this momen so it was easy when you overpowered the enemy so much. Atm you can not consider yourself strongest since you lack the balls of going offensive being too afraid you might lose a battle. And if nemesis would not launch epic battles you would all be happy to farm bonuses and RWs even if this would be boring as hell for all players.

no bonuses but you are the champions 

Nemesis isnt a savior for those small countries. They said we will liberate world but they conquered world and created farmville version 2.0. Enjoy the game!

DreSanu, yes we had those countries and we wiped you against Q5 DS. Now you have even more than those countries on your side, come try to wipe us. Leave that, you cannot even attack us. Foundation article of Nemesis is 80% about me and my homeland, you created an alliance for that, you still could not dare to attack us and you are talking about balls. This is beyond funny now.

@tomas and how do you expect to fight vs Alliance that was full year farming and collecting helies, gold, energy? Economy is key and only way. This will be very long war and cant be won by ether side in few days. What its amazing and in a way insulting is how some people like you think that others are stupid..

everybody knows that they have no balls to attack stronger country
Poland strong!!! VV strong!!!

OMG, returned one is a SPIN doctor

Bruhhhh, you are so self centered people and you are so overreacting to this, I am sad for you guys, fix yourself before mental issues knock on yer door...so much drama


Hail VV! Hail Georgia! Hail Friendship!

Please check the meaning of Vae Victis and its history on Wikipedia before you start crying. You had it coming.

Call yourselves saviour, but conquer smaller countries to make bonuses and than attack the weakest country in the alliance which never was real threat.
You are just scared of Turkey, alent you? ^^
Hail VV o7

What is indeed funny is that you do not want to accept the truth and keep faking those data. Back then VV had almost 50% of world damage just in main alliance (not including VV Alpha with was more used to block specific regions) and you were not fighting 1 single block that could all fight together via MPP/alliance mechansim against you, you were fighting 2-3 smaller alliances that were each holding 10-20% of world damage. So of course being able to focus almost 50% of world damage against lets say thier 20% of world damage+their DS q5 was childs play. And after each wipe you were forcing them to NAP so they cant fight in key areas so you can keep your 50% against even weaker enemies. So saying now that you are in same or even worse situation like that countries were its just plain Hypocrisy of you. Also check just the sheer numbers of Nemesis and VV right now. http://prntscr.com/fz5l6n Rounded up its 60m dmg potential in Nemesis and 54,5m in VV. 1062 active players in Nemesis and 965 in VV. Now this is a slight advantage of Nemesis but taking into account how superior most of VV accouts are developed due to over 1 year of having bonuses and economy you can realize the situation became almost even. Now considering this Nemesis side fought you last day almost alone (more bought damage from mercs than help of other alliances as you keep saying) against that DS q5, you realize the actual ballance of forces is like 75-80% Nemesis - 100% VV. If VV would go offensive it would be the other way around. Point is, nobody is overpowred right now, and this VV against Nemesis+Fortuna+Delos+Ace is just in theory, they only view VV as an enemy but are not giving their all together to fight you. So back to reality with you

The reason you dont have all those in same alliance is 10 member rule. I am sure your lovely MOD1 will find a way to increase number of member in alliances soon. Anyway, you were crying about balance, bonuses, number of active players, etc for over a year and now that you have all those numbers in your favor, you still have excuses. I give up man, I was already saying that your so called liberation/saving game BS is just a tool to reach bonuses but I am now sure about it. You will always come up with another excuse unless every member of Vae Victis leave the alliance, stay without any alliance membership and fight against rest of world alone I think. Though, even in that case you would say -why not you fight against Q5 DS alone.- LOL

And just to prove my point, check the damage dealt by top MU on Bulgaria s side last night. http://prntscr.com/fz5o9w Almost 20b was bought damage, excluding this damage Nemesis only did about 105b, so barely enough to win this fight even if a DS q5 was installed in the first place. So that all world s 65% vs poor VV s only 35% world damage thing you guys kept saying last weeks still gives me a good laugh. So more fight, less propaganda please.

Hail VV Hail Friendship

You know very well that the more countries there are in a block, the harder it becomes to organize and keep everybody satisfied. It happened in VV, its happening in every other alliance. You should also keep in mind you were fighting against nemesis in past days not against nemesis+rest of the world. If some players from non-nemesis/non-vv countries are also giving damage for nemesis against you, you can hardly count a whole alliance fighting together with them against you. Thats the commonsense logic, which it seems some of you is lacking on. Btw, you should not consider me Nemesis, i am just a Mercenary that is hitting for whoever needs our damage as long as i have no problem with the enemy i should hit against. If in the end Nemesis loses this war, i win/lose nothing, if VV loses this war, i win/lose nothing. So the game will not change for me regardless of the outcome 

Hail VV Hail Friendship

Hail VV , we are still Strong !!!

Hail VV! Hail Georgia! Hail Friendship!

translate that kynias: água mole em pedra dura, tanto bate até que fura!
VV down ASAP!

Crynias is back

Kynias is a good clown
now game is balanced almost all countries have some kind of bonuses no one can keep them for too long bonuses changes hand everyday plus you dont expect nemesis to defeat VV which farmed over a year in one night

@kinyas, no one expected this to be a land slide, VV is strong and you say you are wining the war, well until now all VV as done is Defend, you defended well, im yet to see you atack 

@TopSecret, +1

Kinyas has won. Free goats for the winner.

Time to come back and join again.


issou ?

hahah not who is better,who spends more money and have more stock 


O7 vv


Kenjac ne seri

Tangina mo

o7 siamo i piu forti