Diterbitkan di Bosnia and Herzegovina - Interaksi Sosial dan Hiburan - 01 Dec 2017 05:13 - 24

Sir ParychicagolupanpaLackoaNemethsrb1n96Pony of DarknesshomersimpsonCacique PariaguanCacique PariaguanDon Juan CorleoneCacique Maradr Mujo Pijana KomunjaraKomentar (24)

Bas je tako bilo jutros 

Haha xD

Im curious to unveil the fabulous prizes hidden...

Every update is worst than the former, damn admins, they are becoming worst than other game`s Plato...

it seems like the other game

Admins with no ideas



Now, nothing surprises me anymore 😊

Anyone has the list of all rewards? 500 hits gives 5 ED + 10 RPG s. 1000 hits gives 10 ED + 30 RPG s. What about 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000?

Ancestral 02.12 10:03 --------------------
500 : 5 EB + 10 RPG 1000 : 10 EB + 30 RPG 2000 : 20 EB + 50 RPG 3000 : 30 EB + 5 missile Q3 4000 : 40EB + 5 missile Q5 5000 : 50EB + 1 booster q3

TY Zerstorer !!!

V 😄

