Diterbitkan di Iran - Analisis dan Debat Politik - 04 Dec 2017 14:54 - 27
Greetings people of Eworld ,
After being active for 7 months and having the honor to serve Iran 6 months as mofa and two months as Country president , I officially announce my retirement from political world and i will take heaven with myself -__- .
in past 7 months Iran has faced several difficult situations that with team work and help of great allies we over came every one of them .
when i started iran was a member of Vv with weak leadership and bored to death HQ which was out of tolerance , if nemesis would not get started i would start a new alliance and kill the vv with help of mohammad , I tried to establish a good will relations with both sides and make all options available for different possible futures after i got to know French people in alliance i just fell in love more and more with how great and amazing they are and honestly i would never want to lose them as allies .je vous aime mes amis ( or srg like that xd )
during horizon each one of members of alliance worked as hard as they could to manage the 70 to 30 % dmg difference and we did well , we managed to wipe serbia last month and with help of atropates and mohammad create a new alliance , from the first month i started as mofa i had deep respect for nelson and braziliaan ppl as vell as for XRonX ( he had a cool avatar -__- ) and after i got to know Hungarian Cp and mod ( my dear progabesz and nemeth-
Szeretem Magyarországot ) i just could not resist but to ask them to join us and then we had the new world order .
there were days that i stayed awake till 6-7 am and then directly went to uni after managing battles , there were fun days and hard days all together , but for me the sweetest moment was the day that we opened horizon discord i just seem to not be able to forget about it .
Long story short i have to say i had tons of fun with you guys and meeting you and knowing you was a pleasure there were ppl i knew from other game like Vettel and ace economist and there has been people that i got to know like -__- heaven , georgian lovely legend - Atrop <3 - mohammad -albfreakingrevolution and all people mentioned above and tbh all people that i ever talked to in discord -_- .
After all it was just a personal good bye letter nothing official .
good bye my friends . ( heaven -__- excluded )

After being active for 7 months and having the honor to serve Iran 6 months as mofa and two months as Country president , I officially announce my retirement from political world and i will take heaven with myself -__- .
in past 7 months Iran has faced several difficult situations that with team work and help of great allies we over came every one of them .
when i started iran was a member of Vv with weak leadership and bored to death HQ which was out of tolerance , if nemesis would not get started i would start a new alliance and kill the vv with help of mohammad , I tried to establish a good will relations with both sides and make all options available for different possible futures after i got to know French people in alliance i just fell in love more and more with how great and amazing they are and honestly i would never want to lose them as allies .je vous aime mes amis ( or srg like that xd )
during horizon each one of members of alliance worked as hard as they could to manage the 70 to 30 % dmg difference and we did well , we managed to wipe serbia last month and with help of atropates and mohammad create a new alliance , from the first month i started as mofa i had deep respect for nelson and braziliaan ppl as vell as for XRonX ( he had a cool avatar -__- ) and after i got to know Hungarian Cp and mod ( my dear progabesz and nemeth-
Szeretem Magyarországot ) i just could not resist but to ask them to join us and then we had the new world order .
there were days that i stayed awake till 6-7 am and then directly went to uni after managing battles , there were fun days and hard days all together , but for me the sweetest moment was the day that we opened horizon discord i just seem to not be able to forget about it .
Long story short i have to say i had tons of fun with you guys and meeting you and knowing you was a pleasure there were ppl i knew from other game like Vettel and ace economist and there has been people that i got to know like -__- heaven , georgian lovely legend - Atrop <3 - mohammad -albfreakingrevolution and all people mentioned above and tbh all people that i ever talked to in discord -_- .
After all it was just a personal good bye letter nothing official .
good bye my friends . ( heaven -__- excluded )

LackoaNemethLackoaNemethxRONxMonte CristoZaganos PashaZaganos PashaZaganos PashaZaganos PashasorkhposthaftvudAtropatesSAtropatesSAtropatesSAtropatesSAtropatesSRebazartarezzizoRebazartarezzizoRebazartarezzizositareeCarterlord sajjadno0bsailbotno0bsailbotUnIqUeMiNdBunnyLiuJacaMakeMoreLoveUltramagicKomentar (27)

Thank You!

o/ good job well done bro and dont stop loving us 

Admit that you are gay and you love heavenhell

In the end, the most important thing in this game are those few people that you can respect and appreciate without regretting in the future. Good luck, we ll see you soon. 07

@guepo oh damn... maybe ;__;

♥ shotor -_-

take rest bro o7

comic sans is cancer

Gimme Back My Bullets (music) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk83VHblPhE

take care my friend o7


this is my shotor . thanks for everythings

B4B u r one of my best friend in this game. Glad to meet u brother. I never forget ur supports. Now time ti keep ur promise xd U understand what i mean

I was writing that you were a great person and very nice and endearing, until I read the end of the article. I have one thing to say now: Fuck you 

Good retirement friend, France love u too


I have your phone number. I will send you dick pics 

i understand how it is to work 7+ months for a country.Well earned retirement o7

650 days stock, 45 days battles. very hard work indeed.


Good luck! o7

Be well, whatever you do. Cheers.