Diterbitkan di Denmark - Bisnis Finansial - 05 Jan 2018 10:08 - 32
Hello Dear Erev Admins,
first of all , i would like to thank you for creating this kind of multiple platform game , which connects people from all over the world , give us a chance to become a friend(as enemy or ally).
As we all know, it is always hard to keep this game intersting for the players. Therefore you have to work hard, upgrade your graphics,make new events, the most important ; listen the voice of erev players ,even sometimes just nonsense come out.
Now you came with a new event-update and discount. Some of us may say, "wonderfull update, i was waiting for it since long time", and some may say "what !!!!!, are you going to kill the game".I am none of them. I agree, that you have to earn money for upgrade and update your system.I would like to support you aswell, like I spent more than thousands Euros and ready to spend more. I am just requesting from you to bring " Paysafecard Payment ".
I do not know. why this option is not valid anymore to buy gold. If you are also interested in earning money, give us Paysafecard option back.
Dear erev players,
my aim was teaching you programming languages like C,C++,C#,Java,php, when i created this newspaper. if are willing to learn some of these languages, i m ready to start writing some articles about it.
Kind regards,
first of all , i would like to thank you for creating this kind of multiple platform game , which connects people from all over the world , give us a chance to become a friend(as enemy or ally).
As we all know, it is always hard to keep this game intersting for the players. Therefore you have to work hard, upgrade your graphics,make new events, the most important ; listen the voice of erev players ,even sometimes just nonsense come out.
Now you came with a new event-update and discount. Some of us may say, "wonderfull update, i was waiting for it since long time", and some may say "what !!!!!, are you going to kill the game".I am none of them. I agree, that you have to earn money for upgrade and update your system.I would like to support you aswell, like I spent more than thousands Euros and ready to spend more. I am just requesting from you to bring " Paysafecard Payment ".
I do not know. why this option is not valid anymore to buy gold. If you are also interested in earning money, give us Paysafecard option back.
Dear erev players,
my aim was teaching you programming languages like C,C++,C#,Java,php, when i created this newspaper. if are willing to learn some of these languages, i m ready to start writing some articles about it.
Kind regards,
chicagolupanpachicagolupanpachicagolupanpaGridMurattikamilSt0L3nnagant895nagant895nagant895tolgakskPony of DarknessRenardSaKaZuKiYasharZvijer96Cassio lincolnEmice54Emice54Emice54Emice54Emice54Komentar (32)

pirinç and signed

ikinç and signed

üçünç and signed


signed and signed

pinki and signed



reis bize para kazanmayı öğret



Teach me

write an article about pointers in C 

Balaban, 2-3 dil bil, agzinda is yapiyorsa yolun aciktir, bosuna uni okumaya gerek yok.Yeter kendini iyi pazarlamasini bil.

@Res1n:on which lvl should i write my article? Beginner, good, Advance

Abi laf kısmında sorun yok ikinci dile de başladım. Eyvallah taktik için teşekkür ederim o7

@Balabantr :özelden yazdim kardesim

i want to learn : D

Which language would you like to learn?You have more than 1 option


bring Paysafecard Payment .


Teach me Java, PHP, and Android programming language. Especially Android, I want to learn how to customize a Navigation Drawer.. 

Where os Ruby on Rails? I love It! But v+s, I agree with the need of safecard. Waiting for the code lessons!

They did not create this kind of multiple platform game... they copied the code from the original eRep--- game.

@Hrvat: you left Erep and start to play this game , even it is a copied game from Erep(as you mentioned).
We do not have to criticize always negatively.There are tons of people just criticize , but they dont come with a proposal.Anyway, may be you are right , maybe not, but you and I are here and keep chatting, that makes it multiple platform game.

Aztek the admin might use your lesson
I am interested at Java and PHP (larevel).
Any lessons we be good for me