Diterbitkan di Georgia - Interaksi Sosial dan Hiburan - 19 Apr 2018 03:27 - 14
Want talk about War in Japan
We saw first battle
Japan was so happy to win that , Doesnt want talk about multies which was in Japan side :D
NOW see what is Harakir :D (ჰარაკირი, იგივე სეპუკუ)
When Georgia lost battle we started Campain to Wipe Japan... Now see results
N1 Mexico vs Japan
N2 Portugal vs Japan
N3 South KOREA vs Japan
N4 Portugal vs Japan
N5 Mexico vs Japan
And NOW Question why Japanese people made Harakir ? Because they doesnt wanted be shame :))) and I have question ? why now e-Japanese people is still alive ? :)))
Regards Admiral Geobody
MukhraniOmiko EjibiaKomentar (14)
your mean was south korea
http://prntscr.com/j7aumx you harakir yourselves so nothing end , end will be more funny ) you fear ukraine and make this article lol and you think ukraine will stop and japan and others ?? nevermind you will be deleted )
662 defeated 8,864 .
This shame will be recorded for Georgia forever
ადმირალ ასე არ შეიძლება ძმაო!
and they think we have fear and stop ?? just wait we all have time look everything ) why you dont show as spain begin deleting himself ??
Calm Down guys ) @kamran62 you have eyes ? 8864 active players in all erev have not Georgia will be not wiped But About Japan I cant say same
espaneti ishlebi tu atyob dmg vegar debs tavis brdzolashi mexika da portugalia udebs dmgs gasacodavda da waishleba male araushavs magram iapoania ver waishleba ubralod damijere sheileba verc tqven waishalot magram stoki aravis eyofa rom amdeni regioni amdeni qveynebisa washalos gamoricxuli temaa elementalurad ajanyebebic wava da iqac dmg unda dado uazrod chaviclebit 1 tveshi yvela da vijdebit ase
Gio inglisuris kursebze chaewere otarastan ai pavlikas aswavlis da ragacas axerxebs sheni inglisurit sxvasac ver dascineb tu ara sakutsr tavs
Gigi შემოგევლე ) მე რაც მჭირდება იმისთვის საკმარისი ინგლისური ნამდვილად ვიცი და კაი ნუმოგხვდა გულზე შენივე სტატიის დედააზრი ) დაცინვას რაც შეეხება მშვენიერი სტატიაა და მერე გამოიარეთ კატანების პარტია ჩამომაქ დაგჭირდებათ ) უი ჰო დაცინვას რაც შეეხება ჰარაკირი არის სწორი და არა ხარაკირი )) მცოდნევ
ჩოხ საღოლ !!!!
the funniest thing is Ukraine giving ass to everyone like always. n1. Japan n2. Ukraine n3.Cuba n4... list of wipe incoming
Qurcika I do the harakiri but my sword is big enough to bring 2 more with me to the hell https://imgur.com/a/DahR2
Vote and Suscribe brotha o7
never give up japan xaxaxaxxx !