Kame House

Diterbitkan di Serbia - Interaksi Sosial dan Hiburan - 03 May 2018 08:33 - 20



Huang DiAlex IIAlex IILackoaNemethHaile Selassie IPony of DarknessJacaTovarDante

Komentar (20)

[RETRO] Coca-Cola - https://www.erevollution.com/sr/article/31885
Super je ovo ispalo, svidja mi se o/ Napisi jos koji na ovaj fazon
v c
I love retro specially retro Coca Cola. P.S odlican clanak,volem ovakve clanke sa slikicama Laugh
In spanish.... AGUANTE MANAOSSS..... (its a low quality soda from Argentina).... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-zpUVGuu3w 2 football players, Palermo y Franscescoli (form Uruguay).
ty dsirud !
lijepo Laugh
nice )
nuka cola in near future
I drink chicha morada
retro packing of pizza or retro guinnes
Nice Nicola M Wink
Boy i sure wish i had some Coke
Nice photos and everything, but are those comments next to them added by the company or you? Because they really need some rewriting, my friend..! 😂😂
@Giagiorgos ty bro, my eng it is not so prfect Sad
i prever Vikos lemonade with stevia
neko nekada se iskenjao da je prvobitna coca cola bila sirup za kasalj i da je u njoj stvarno bilo koke Smile eh, puste zelje, mislim ovo za koku Smile sad najbolje legne posle nekog mesa, nema bolje stvari za varenje Smile Retro je ok, teraj dalje. Glas
@Srdjan M, it put a smile on my face, so for me, that is all that counts..!😉😉👍👍