Diterbitkan di Serbia - Interaksi Sosial dan Hiburan - 03 May 2018 08:33 - 20

Huang DiAlex IIAlex IILackoaNemethHaile Selassie IPony of DarknessJacaTovarDanteKomentar (20)

[RETRO] Coca-Cola - https://www.erevollution.com/sr/article/31885

Super je ovo ispalo, svidja mi se o/
Napisi jos koji na ovaj fazon


v c

I love retro specially retro Coca Cola.
P.S odlican clanak,volem ovakve clanke sa slikicama 

In spanish.... AGUANTE MANAOSSS..... (its a low quality soda from Argentina).... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-zpUVGuu3w
2 football players, Palermo y Franscescoli (form Uruguay).

ty dsirud !


nice )


nuka cola in near future

I drink chicha morada

retro packing of pizza or retro guinnes

Nice Nicola M 

Boy i sure wish i had some Coke

Nice photos and everything, but are those comments next to them added by the company or you? Because they really need some rewriting, my friend..! 😂😂

@Giagiorgos ty bro, my eng it is not so prfect 

i prever Vikos lemonade with stevia

neko nekada se iskenjao da je prvobitna coca cola bila sirup za kasalj i da je u njoj stvarno bilo koke
eh, puste zelje, mislim ovo za koku
sad najbolje legne posle nekog mesa, nema bolje stvari za varenje
Retro je ok, teraj dalje.

@Srdjan M, it put a smile on my face, so for me, that is all that counts..!😉😉👍👍