Serbian Empire News

Diterbitkan di Serbia - Bisnis Finansial - 28 Aug 2018 08:12 - 9

Serbia is giving TAX REFUND for your production in our country! (ONLY FOR 18+ / 19+ and friendly nations)
All you have to do is to fill the format.
LINK --->
You will get 2/3 of your taxes.

Also we are giving refund for company upgrades.
All you have to do is to take picture (Economy page) before and after upgrade 
In picture you need to have:
1. Date, Time and Day in game
2. Your gold ammount on account
3. Our Treasury and Tax revenues
4. Send that to djurdjo
5. Refund ---> 8%
 And you'll get your refund.
Picture example:

If you have any question, post it in comment.


NilsongeometarrrdjurdjoKame Senninthe_passengerK o Bitso

Komentar (9)

You will get 90% of your taxes in Ukraine.
Glava faca naseg saveza o7
I m the best brother of djurdjo and the_passenger. Can i Get refound?
Al ste alavi nabijem vas sve Laugh
Ukraine 9%
you have 50 gold? send me this xd