Kame House

Diterbitkan di Serbia - Interaksi Sosial dan Hiburan - 04 Dec 2018 11:45 - 23

Vote, sub and write N° when i get 200 VOTE i vil give 1q3 house to 1 lucky player.

From Makvište with love.



Komentar (23)

Kako ga pišem po eng. Sidu lečim.
you have a rich acc and give only 1q3 house?!!!!! 😰😂😂
I want to see if we have 200 players on the game. Maybe the prize will be different, who knows.
V5 old sub
Ovde nema ni 100 igraca, a ne da dobiješ 200 komentara😂
V6 ima još puno igrača ovdje Cheeky
Odlicna ideja idem i ja isto to napraviti
v c
V8 s~
V10 old sub
v12 sub imas 20god Laugh
Yo! Srdjan voted.
Hello Horn o7
Oh I must to win that shit 😬😬😬
200?! I see it hard, but not impossible... Good luck!
old sub v 18
200 glasova!!! Jesi li ti normalan i horizontalan, života ti? Wink
sada imaš 200 Laugh ups 20 Laugh
Jos malo pa 200.
s769 v22
only 22v and now 23 😁