Diterbitkan di Japan - Interaksi Sosial dan Hiburan - 15 Nov 2019 05:59 - 11
This is the first 1 I come to game and don't see NEWSPAPERS.
What is happening???
We want a new medals for journalists;
Medals For;
25 votes
50 votes
75 votes
100 votes
And simbolic 1g for a Medals.
We have all sorts of medals for a war accomplish but in the game we have a journalist accomplishments so give as a chance to get pay for ours articles.
barcelona oleeeTo4oo4To4oo4HarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnvaguePony of DarknessMandoXanderLoving PabloNiinjaaArminatoringKomentar (11)



Sad će Admin da te banuje😂😂😂😂.
Ti ćeš njemu da kvariš politiku medalja😂😂😂👍

Maybe we should republish the articles with the quiz answers...

Yes Pony.

sounds good,voted...o7

@Tatsuo3BEP, here is the article: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34571

How about medals for sucking dicks?

Munem pirodubov

v c

thank you very much friend but may you subscribe https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34839 o7