Diterbitkan di Portugal - Bisnis Finansial - 25 Nov 2019 13:39 - 14
Since post feeds are taking around 15-20 minutes to appear in the game (they eventually appear, but it takes a while), let`s test if the same happens with newspaper articles.
By the way, the alert for this article should take a while too (my alerts for a TA and a level up took a good time to appear after I got them and the gold)
Also please comment here to test the article comments too!
POST-UPDATE EDIT: it seems the article was published without lagging. Let`s test the article updates too...
When I tried to edit the article: the edited text showed in the Edit screen after I posted the edit. But it did not appeared in the normal page for readers! So it seems the server bug is related to their caching or refreshing - it takes a while to refresh a changed entity in the game
As you can see, while in the initial page the article has 2 votes and 1 comment, in the article page both the votes and the comments are still not showing... Unlike the normal behavior, where the article page is updated and the initial page is still lagging a few minutes regarding votes and comments

After a while.... The article name changed in the initial and edit page, but the article page is still with the old name, no edits, 0 votes and 0 comments!

By the way, the alert for this article should take a while too (my alerts for a TA and a level up took a good time to appear after I got them and the gold)
Also please comment here to test the article comments too!
POST-UPDATE EDIT: it seems the article was published without lagging. Let`s test the article updates too...
When I tried to edit the article: the edited text showed in the Edit screen after I posted the edit. But it did not appeared in the normal page for readers! So it seems the server bug is related to their caching or refreshing - it takes a while to refresh a changed entity in the game
As you can see, while in the initial page the article has 2 votes and 1 comment, in the article page both the votes and the comments are still not showing... Unlike the normal behavior, where the article page is updated and the initial page is still lagging a few minutes regarding votes and comments

After a while.... The article name changed in the initial and edit page, but the article page is still with the old name, no edits, 0 votes and 0 comments!

MandoZuzuPetalsHarleyQuinnBunnyLiuJantyskyfallFORTUNAHalfLutalicaPoooZZneVokasiDeaDiLussoSKynet0013urningUSKUDARDoktor Mikiotari2001lequidThe Last Lynx PardinusThe Last Lynx PardinusThe Last Lynx PardinusThe Last Lynx PardinusThe Last Lynx PardinusdzinsinisMacedoniaGreeceDavis_MDondarrionRasturatorsoul_strippperOpenoteLajbachTonySimionkaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yiBezdan24keyser_slochalacochalacochalacochalacochalacoZeroBeepBeepIamAJeepady71Huang DimaonagraDe Oblandomartinaslansumo_zrlokomotju1986MikeVanDikeKobelarIndonesia FutureAZAZELpapa bearPiXiESSbibin maliSt0L3nMikucArminatoringArminatoringPratinoOnun73OverloadunderdogunderdogunderdogArtoriasDibexF16 Fighterioc_2The ButcherPhantom986CedaRadule92sandi111KravennValiantinaahwazzWhiskasKhalifaZvonko11PasRatunkowyzephyrusWayna QhapaqMaguillaBayintEndlessnessNimdaCataratasarkantosVasco da GamaVasco da GamaVasco da GamaVasco da GamaVasco da GamaKomentar (14)


56 minutes for MPP law.

it shows there are comments in the front page, but they didn t appear yet
RIP in peace


Test drive

Still not published

Hehe, that seems like an interesting experiment

Meghan Crapinoe sucks

Now it is working!

S163 v426