Diterbitkan di Estonia - Bisnis Finansial - 08 Jul 2020 08:27 - 12
After completing the updated Weekly Challenge, a few thoughts went through my mind.
First of all, here are the new rewards:
1500 hits - 5 employees/10 EBs
4000 hits - 20 EBs/200 RPGs
8000 hits - 5 gold/20 Q3 missiles
15 000 hits - 30 EBs/800 RPGs
22 500 hits - 15 employees/2000 RPGs
31 000 hits - 15 gold/50 Ebs
And here are my thoughts:
- Monthly Pack just became that much more overpowering. The 22.5k hit region is about what you can comfortably reach each week with your food fights if you have it.
- Welcome to pack economy. Many players still are not producing 3000 Q5 or Q6 airs weekly, and why should you? Just buy the Monthly Pack... admins will give everything you need.
- Admins can go and shove the work tickets wherever theywant. Economy module is dead and past its peak, since it takes forever to gather gold for one Q5 or Q5 company. The temptation to keep pushing them just shows how delusional they are.
In conclusion.
The game has ran its course, and it is as good as it will get, don’t expect anything new. These are the final major updates, the game has been specifically set for Monthly pack, and nothing else really matters in this game anymore. Buy Monthly pack to farm RPGs, and then buy more Monthly packs to make sure you win the battle. Admins might as well just introduce Weekly or Daily pack, where for 1 EUR per day you can access unlimited amount of Q6 airs and food for your Hyper bars. It will not change much, and the game would not get worse with that. We are witnessing pay-to-play model that could only be rivaled by the pioneers of this genre.
Best regards.
After completing the updated Weekly Challenge, a few thoughts went through my mind.
First of all, here are the new rewards:
1500 hits - 5 employees/10 EBs
4000 hits - 20 EBs/200 RPGs
8000 hits - 5 gold/20 Q3 missiles
15 000 hits - 30 EBs/800 RPGs
22 500 hits - 15 employees/2000 RPGs
31 000 hits - 15 gold/50 Ebs
And here are my thoughts:
- Monthly Pack just became that much more overpowering. The 22.5k hit region is about what you can comfortably reach each week with your food fights if you have it.
- Welcome to pack economy. Many players still are not producing 3000 Q5 or Q6 airs weekly, and why should you? Just buy the Monthly Pack... admins will give everything you need.
- Admins can go and shove the work tickets wherever theywant. Economy module is dead and past its peak, since it takes forever to gather gold for one Q5 or Q5 company. The temptation to keep pushing them just shows how delusional they are.
In conclusion.
The game has ran its course, and it is as good as it will get, don’t expect anything new. These are the final major updates, the game has been specifically set for Monthly pack, and nothing else really matters in this game anymore. Buy Monthly pack to farm RPGs, and then buy more Monthly packs to make sure you win the battle. Admins might as well just introduce Weekly or Daily pack, where for 1 EUR per day you can access unlimited amount of Q6 airs and food for your Hyper bars. It will not change much, and the game would not get worse with that. We are witnessing pay-to-play model that could only be rivaled by the pioneers of this genre.
Best regards.
Stevan GPony of DarknessDondarrionDondarrionDondarrionSophiaGtmardelSt0L3nCaptain HarlockIgotUBunnyLiuY0uG0tN0LifeKomentar (12)


I was suspecting they would mess with the Weekly Challenge too... Another feature that admins made worse for common players in order to improve p2w experience... And to add insult to injury, of course no articles or warning for that, they simply changed the challenge without any announcement...

bad for new comers, more prizes would be better o7

Goguadze, to be fair, it is great for newcomers. Just buy Monthly pack, build Q3 food companies and farm RPGs/nukes. What is the point of producing weapons, if you can farm 12k RPGs in one month. Every problem you have has one solution - Monthly pack.

That is not all, converting LK into Hyper Bar is a bit backfire for fighters then LK has been removed from Disciple gems rewards and last they were also removed from Gold pack leaving gold pack totally irrelevant for players above 1000 experience level because it wont give you x2 experience point
So whoever the brain behind is just desperate thats all.

@casadeli you are right, it is good chance to improve, but for new comers, it s too hard to deal 31k or at last 22.5k hits.

St0L3n, eRev1 is done. Admin focus is on eRev2, which, ironically, is even less active than eRev1. They even removed wiki here. Turning LKs into Hyper bars would somewhat understandable step, if that was a standalone update(you can still farm 7 Hyper bars each weekend via Lucky Wheel), but they went full retard, and just starved the economy from gold, took away benefits players paid for(equipment, gold packs for players above level 1000), and... worse of all.. the Monthly gold pack, which is so easy to abuse, and so overpowering, that it is ridiculous.
TL;DL - the brain behind everything is working hard at eRev2, eRev1 is done.

Goguadze, I was more or less sarcastic there. These updates are awful for everyone - old or new, weak or strong. The only ones they are good for are unlimited Monthly pack buyers.


Kill him with fire.

any new game on sight so we all can move there?

Current status of the game is challenging for the players. Most of them are trying to find own place in the game without success. Only 2 categories of the players are able to adapt to this conditions - visa players and non-visa players with superior economical approach. Nevertheless, most of the players are going to reduce own activities in the game. Let s introduce some alternative ways of producing (some) gold or we are going to face recession in this eworld economy!