Diterbitkan di France - Analisis Peperangan - 29 Nov 2020 17:22 - 6
Today there was a very tough battle in Jeollabuk-do for the deer resource! France hit a mive 398,7 billion damage but it wasn t enough, as the resistance side, mostly Turkish and Croatian guys, hit over 400 billion damage! Here is a quick breakdown of the battle.
The battle started well for France, when one of the most masculine alphas in France, Carnax managed to hit denizerus:

Carnax s face as he hits denizerus.

denizerus face as Carnax hit him.
Then the fight went brutal!

But at the end France lost. :(

Lo0pinG s face after he realized France lost the battle.
And the resistance force won.

afatdede reacts to their side winning the battle.
This was a great fight from both sides! No hard feelings guys!
At the end let s show some , since we French alpha males LOVE ASS!

The battle started well for France, when one of the most masculine alphas in France, Carnax managed to hit denizerus:

Carnax s face as he hits denizerus.

denizerus face as Carnax hit him.
Then the fight went brutal!

But at the end France lost. :(

Lo0pinG s face after he realized France lost the battle.
And the resistance force won.

afatdede reacts to their side winning the battle.
This was a great fight from both sides! No hard feelings guys!
At the end let s show some , since we French alpha males LOVE ASS!

Eva BraunCarapichoCarnaxMagellanLo0pinGastonrivllPony of DarknessNorfeLimioAphianronterTaTa RaTaFlyingCangarooArminatoringmrarizonaArminatoringKomentar (6)


Finally a real independent press which does not hide the reality from us!

Finally ! A new article with beautifull bo.. girls !!

Delicious images. The second part, of course!!!

@yomadafakaa: or did you mean @$$faka?
@Carapicho: This newspaper always writes the truth! Even if it s sometimes not so beautiful... These battles get pretty ´intense´ sometimes... 

@Carnax: I knew as a masculine alpha you love hot boy..boobs !! @Pony of Darkness: Naturally!