Diterbitkan di France - Langkah awal di eRevollution - 27 Jan 2021 13:00 - 3

Mission 01: Beginner - Work and train at same day, in order to finish Daily Task 0 / 1 - Reward: -

Mission 02: The journey begins - Raise your strength by 55 points. 0 / 55 - Reward: -

Mission 03: The journey begins II - Raise your intelligence by 55 points. 0 / 55 - Reward: -

Mission 04: Following orders - Complete Daily Order. 0 / 1 - Reward: -

Mission 05: Rising productivity - Spend 7 work tokens in your companies. 0 / 7 - Reward: -

Mission 06: Energy is needed - Recover 5000 Energy. 0 / 5,000 - Reward: -

Mission 07: Small buyer - Buy 1000 items from any market. 0 / 1,000 - Reward: -

Mission 08: Well informed - Vote 5 articles to help them get to the Top page. 0 / 5 - Reward: -

Mission 09: Bomber I - Produce 1 missile. 0 / 1 - Reward: -

Mission 10: Work Work Work - Work for your employer 4 times. 0 / 4 - Reward: -

Mission 11: Finding workers - Hire 10 workers to work for you. 0 / 10 - Reward: -

Mission 12: Productivity - Spend 10 work tokens. 0 / 10 - Reward: -

Mission 13: - Produce 5000 items 0 / 5,000 - Reward: -

Mission 14: Sell and earn - Sell 5000 products on the Marketplace. 0 / 5,000 - Reward: -

Mission 15: Weapon Shoping - Buy 2000 weapons from any market. 0 / 2,000 - Reward: -

Mission 16: Business II - Get 10 work tokens from your workers. 0 / 10 - Reward: -

Mission 17: More workers - Spend 55 work tokens to meet your companies’ demands. 0 / 55 - Reward: -

Mission 18: Contractor - Buy and/or sell things 15 times using the Contract option. 0 / 15 - Reward: -

Mission 19: Market invasion - Buy 10000 food or weapons from another country’s market. 0 / 10,000 - Reward: -

Mission 20: Market invasion - Sell 10000 products in other country market 0 / 10,000 - Reward: -

Mission 21: Corporation owner - Produce 33000 items in your companies. 0 / 33,000 - Reward: -

Mission 22: Following Daily Order - Make 2000 hits in Daily Order battle(s). 0 / 2,000 - Reward: -

Mission 23: Energy boost - Use 20 Energy bars to retrieve some of the lost energy. 0 / 20 - Reward: -

Mission 24: Using missiles - Drop 15 missiles in a battle. 0 / 15 - Reward: -

Mission 25: Thinking strategic - Produce 5 missiles to stock up some damage. 0 / 5 - Reward: -

Mission 26: Hitting hard - Make 4000 hits in a single battle. 0 / 4,000 - Reward: -

Mission 27: Free Man - Make 4000 hits in Resistance wars on the resistance side. (Not, if your country is on the resistance side) 0 / 4,000 - Reward: -

Mission 28: Damage dealer - Deal 500 million damage this time. 0 / 500,000,000 - Reward: -

Mission 29: Energy boost - Use 100 Energy bars to retrieve some of the lost energy. 0 / 100 - Reward: -

Mission 30: War Dog - Earn two Battle Hero medal. 0 / 2 - Reward: -

Mission 31: True Patriot - Make 11000 hits for your country. 0 / 11,000 - Reward: -

Mission 32: True Ally - Make 11000 hits for your country’s allies. 0 / 11,000 - Reward: -

Mission 33: True Revolutionary II - Make 11000 hits in Resistance wars on the resistance side. (Note: does not count if your home country is on the resistance side) 0 / 11,000 - Reward: -

Mission 34: Experienced - Gain 1000 experience. 0 / 1,000 - Reward: -

Mission 35: Real estate - Activate 10 houses of any quality so you can count on them as well. 0 / 10 - Reward: -

Mission 36: Vacation - Travel to 25 different regions. 0 / 25 - Reward: -

Mission 37: Temporary Rewards - Spend 30 Temporary Energy Bars. 0 / 30 - Reward: -

Mission 38: Hyper recovery - Use 5 Hyper Bars. 0 / 5 - Reward: -

Mission 39: Sponsoring article writers - Endorse 40 articles and show them your support. 0 / 40 - Reward: -

Mission 40: Restoration - Restore 99 000 energy. 0 / 99,000 - Reward: -

Mission 41: I want to be free - Start Resistance war so they have the chance to retrieve their regions. 0 / 1 - Reward: -

Mission 42: Using weapons - Spend 6000 weapons in the battlefield. (NOTE: RPG is included) 0 / 6,000 - Reward: -

Mission 43: Using weapons II - Spend 15000 weapons in the battlefield. (NOTE: RPG is inlouded) 0 / 15,000 - Reward: -

Mission 44: Boost yourself - Activate 2 boosters for that extra kick when needed. 0 / 2 - Reward: -

Mission 45: Keeping up appearances - Change your avatar. 0 / 1 - Reward: -

Mission 46: Growing faster - Earn 15000 experience. 0 / 15,000 - Reward: -

Mission 47: Upgrader - Upgrade 3 parts of equipment. 0 / 3 - Reward: -

Mission 48: Earning gold - Earn 100 gold by earning True Patriot, True Ally and/or True Revolutionary medals. 0 / 100 - Reward: -

Mission 49: Production to the max II - Use 150 work tokens to boost up your production. 0 / 150 - Reward: -

Mission 50: Veteran soldier - Make 10000 hits. 0 / 10,000 - Reward: -

Mission 51: Liberator - Get Resistance Hero Medal. 0 / 1 - Reward: -

This mission is available from Day 1,844 and expires on Day 1,876.
* Adminarticle: 36948
It will start at game day 27.01 and it will last to game day 28.02 (Sunday is the last day)
Missions will come in phases(3 of each):
Basic/Grey missions,
When all Basic, Businessman, Soldier and Adventure missions are completed,
Expert/Orange missions will appear and after them, one final mission, with a medal on your profile upon successful completion of all missions.
NOTE: We will unlock option for solving missions with gold in last week but not before.
(Grey = Yellow, has to completed before the Blue, Green and Red parallel in 3er-packs appear)
(Orange = Purple)
//yours e
MiltiadosPony of DarknessPratinoF16 Fighterkakashi681eltorreCaptain HarlockAgui GnakouriAgui GnakouriAgui GnakouriAgui GnakouriAgui GnakouriGreen EyesDondarrionDondarrionDondarrionGtmardelDubidonDubidonDubidonDubidonDubidonniksapMr IndigoRodinelkyKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKomentar (3)

On second day, wait with working untill you have finished all yellow missions. There usually will be a Produce or Work something - mission.
It will save you a day ; )

Voted !

If some could help me out at Mission 13. would be nice