Kame House

Diterbitkan di Germany - Interaksi Sosial dan Hiburan - 04 Feb 2021 13:51 - 22


Hello Everyone

I spent some time in Germany, in Panzer MU, 
I met a very interesting person and wanted to do an interview with her and share it with the rest of our community.
Ladies and gentlemen


Who is Nairobi, tell us something about yourself.

According to real life my name is Eleni, I am from Greece, I will be 35 years old on 2nd of April and I work like a maniac.
I started playing erev because ktab invited me. In the beginning i wasn’t sure for how long i will stay or if i will be active so i chose my first nick Koukouroukou (except the wafer with chocolate, it means sth like whatever, someone who doesn't care at all). I started playing in Greece, I stayed there for almost 18 months and after this I came to Germany. During lockdown in March and the great success of casa de papel, we decided to bring main characters here, we changed our nicks and here is nairobi. It was funny actually because everyone got confused, they didn’t know who is who.

 Panzer is one of the best MUs on erev, what is it like to be the commander of one of the best MUs?

I don't feel any difference in being a commander to be honest, I am just a soldier among other soldiers and I am really proud of being part of this great family. More than 70% of panzers are not farmers, we never learnt to farm, we can’t. If someone says fight, we fight, we are better in doing this than being businessmen or sth else. We support each other as much as we can, there is not my airs or my food in Panzers, there is ours. No man left behind. That’s why I call us family and not just a team. I would like to see more people in our discord for better organization but I know that it’s hard because of real life and I respect this.

Tell us more about Germany, and why did you choose Germany as your eHome?

On 6 June of 2017 i decided to join Germany. It wasn’t easy at first because all these years in this kind of games I was always playing in Greece. German community back then made my decision really easy, a lot of great people who are not playing anymore (Kostas, Ilija, Raf, Misha, Kaveh and more). If we still had them around things would be even more easier for everyone. At least we still have Georgia here and it would be a great honor to have Giannos also with us. Being in Germany for me is a pleasure, no pressure, no fights, even if there are so many different people here with different cultures.

Allies in battle, alliance, German politics, enemies of Germany, German community ... what is your vision of erev life?

Allies in battles alliance? Every country has a lot of battles, a lot of players, mostly 2 clickers, in every country fight only for daily order, or even without weapons, so you can’t blame an ally country for not winning your battles. When there is a main target and all daily orders are there things are different. I count more in active players than in whole countries, I know that even if it’s late at night and most of the panzers are sleeping like normal people do, I will text talan and he will come. One night that we lost one of our bonus, i saw that miltiados came and shot for us so we will not lose another one. And more players, of course, that i will not mention now because i don’t want to forget someone. I know our side is strong, but better organization would make miracles.
Enemies? I don’t like the word enemy. I try to see the good in everyone, even if some people make it hard for me. The worst part is not that they hit against Germany, I hate the part that they disrespect German citizens in feeds or articles. I can’t stand this because with most of them we fought side by side in the past. 
According to German politics and German community I would like to keep the same allies and we should try to keep bonuses so we will have stability for our citizens and our friends. Nowadays in Germany the situation is really good, we are all here again, with some more additions and we enjoy the game the most. RIO made Germany a full bonus country once again (he does this every time when he is CP), BATASHA is our new CP and he is doing a great job as always. We have a pretty active community with players from many different countries. Before lockdown was really hard for Peaky, especially, who was running the country alone and was receiving help only from Shaman, the rest of us were 2 clickers. We couldn’t offer him anything except some more hits 2-3 times per week. But this is in the past, Germans are back, ready to fight whenever is needed with medals or no. 

Something for the End

Srdjan thank you for this interview and for being part of our family. 
I wish everyone to have all the best in real life and enjoy your time here.
If you can’t enjoy it, something is wrong.

Peaky Blinder

Nairobi is our queen. Panzer were always respecatble MU, but after erev2 opened, most of players stopped playing, we become mediocre MU, like tigrovi MU now, Nairobi reorganized is, made new rules, and we become one of strongest MU ingame. She always have time for everyone, she is always polite and always trying to fix problem by talking. Along her job as MU commander, she is taking great part of ruling Germany. There is know phrase ''Behind every succesfull man there is a woman behind'' That cant be more occurate in terms of Germany rulling. Every ex German CP can confirm it. We declined offer to sell nairobi for 200 camels and 10k golds, and it was right decision. Nairobi is our queen and we love her.



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Komentar (22)

eRev Community - Nairobi https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/37081
koukouroukou of my heart!
Eleni ♥♥
Next you shall take interview to Battle Hero, romanian account sold 2 years ago, saw he s also in Germany now Smile https://www.erevollution.com/en/profile/580
Leaving eGermany?
Jel ima nekih ženski za mene tamo? 🤣🤫🤫🍻🍻🍻
congratz for article
Our lovely Eleni She keep us together, that is woman 🥰 Savŕšeno Srdjane. Hvaka brate sto si bio dio nas , i što si intervjuisao comandanta najjače jedinice na erevu
Thanks @MrBogdan, Hvala @Batasha o7
Nairobi is our queen and we love her.
najaca jedinica na erevu, smesni ste ko crtani film 😀
The best of the best o7
What!? Surprised Would have never guessed there were girls playing this game! I dont personally know Nairobi well in this game, but I do love Greek girls and the whole country!
my lovely lenio!!!!! εγω ειμαι,οχι ο ......αλλος.οκ?χαχαχαχχ
All this time and you did not find time to change your avatar....You all are wearing an avatar that is not designed by you... This belongs to my PANZER MU on we design it and use it for a while. Your name and avatar is plagiar. Smile
Hmmm... a girl ? French love girls in game !
hmmmmmmmmmm. my dear fyrom goodbeer, she is commander of panzer MU
Komşu 😊
We declined offer to sell nairobi for 200 camels and 10k golds, and it was right decision. Nairobi is our queen and we love her. The truth is that you will sell her for a packet of 20 cigar camel ... But keep the black cat
@Carnax but only in the game !
o7 eleni