Diterbitkan di Romania - Interaksi Sosial dan Hiburan - 21 Sep 2021 12:09 - 1
După o vară frumoasă cu multe activități, călătorii scurte pe coclauri, pe câmpuri pline cu flori , unde mi-am încărcat bateriile cu energie pozitivă, continui tot așa.
Am încercat să mă adaptez nebuniei cotitiedene, dar nu mi-a ieșit.
After a beautiful summer with many activities, short travels on lands , on the full fields with flowers, where I charged my batteries with good energy, I still continue like this.
I tried to adapt to the actual madness, but I didn't do.

enjoy the eRevollution
Am încercat să mă adaptez nebuniei cotitiedene, dar nu mi-a ieșit.
After a beautiful summer with many activities, short travels on lands , on the full fields with flowers, where I charged my batteries with good energy, I still continue like this.
I tried to adapt to the actual madness, but I didn't do.

enjoy the eRevollution
sesebiKame SenninelvasilicaPony of DarknessJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYJereemYKomentar (1)

Unde a trecut? E un pic cam rece dimineata cind duc copilul la scoala, dar cind intru in masina la trei sa ma duc sa-l iau zici ca intru in cuptor. Si aici sintem la munte