Diterbitkan di Republic of Moldova - Interaksi Sosial dan Hiburan - 25 Mar 2022 13:42 - 48
Dear Players,
April is month of surprises, in this article we will show you some of them and how we will try to entertain you.

This event starts on date 01.04.2022 and last until date 30.04.2022. This is new type of event which you did not see in game before, and we hope you will enjoy it. Our focus was to motivate you on April to bring up your friends into game. We hope that we will succeed and you will receive nice rewards for it.
In order to participate in this event you need to have one or more referrals. You will earn egg(s) by their progress, when they grow stronger they will increase their level and you will receive egg(s). For all referrals which are under 50th level, you will receive on their every 10th level - Egg. For all referrals which are above 50th level, on each 5th level you will receive Egg. With each Egg you will be able to open one of 24 rewards which we have prepared to you. Also this event is not only for new players which you invite to game it's for those which you already have under your referral system. You will see list of rewards which you can win when you crack Egg, and you can win each of them fully randomly.

For example, lets say you invite new player to game, when he reach level 10 you will receive one Egg, when he reach level 20 you will receive one Egg, and so on. When that player from level 50 reach level 55 you will receive Egg. Also if some of your referrals return into game, or he is already active, and he is for example level 461, when he reach level 465 you will receive Egg, when he reach level 470 you will receive Egg.
NOTE: While this event is ongoing we will stop providing free Starter Pack, also it's forbiden to sell or gift Starter Pack to another player. For all players who abuse this system and try to make exploited account(s) or something third(violate game rules) he will be strictly punished with 100% profit penalty.

Missions are coming back ! Main points of solving missions remain same, but let s refresh our memory:
It will last from 01.04.2022 to 05.05.2022(Thursday is the last day)
Missions will come in phases(3 of each):
Basic/Grey missions,
When all Basic, Businessman, Soldier and Adventure missions are completed, Expert/Orange missions will appear and after them, one final mission, with a medal on your profile upon successful completion of all missions.
We didn’t added this time rank up mission, but it will be there in next one missions
NOTE: We will unlock option for solving missions with gold in last week.
Easter Egg Hunt

This is new event in game, and this will be easy one for April. Event start 15.04.2022 and last until 24.04.2022.

Game is really simple. All you have to do is open Easter eggs. There is eggs in this mini game of which 40 of them have bunny (experience).With each click on egg you are opening it, you can earn Points for event or you will just get carrot. Carrot do not bring you anything except loosing attempt onto opening Easter egg while when you open egg and bunny you gain points and rewards. Each attempt for opening egg cost you 5 Energy, every 28 minutes and 46 Seconds you receive 1 Energy point. With each level you gain your maximum energy is growing so you do not have to be so often online to spend Energy. IF you are not patient you can buy Energy from store
Like in all new events we are providing you 44 rewards of which first is free, and you can buy Gold ticket for additional rewards.
Easter Egg

We had this event previously, everything will remain same but we changed rewards from first time. Event will start at 08.04.2022 and it will last until 01.05.2022 (Last Day).
It will be consisted of a board with 6 eggs, each with a random reward. Every day at day change you will be able to open 2 eggs for free, with an additional possibility after every 3000 hits you make
NOTE: This time we have changed rewards.
Gold Mine

We will provide you Gold mine so you can dig up some gold. You can dig up one time per day gold in mine. Minimum amount from digging is 1 Gold and maximum is 5 Gold
Gold mine will be active from 16.04.2022 to 24.04.2022.
Discount and Packs

From Day 14.04.2022 to 20.04.2022 you will have discount 25% on Workout Areas, Improved and Strategic Building.

In same time you will also have option to buy yourselfer a pack, again you have erev pack, supply pack and business pack. We hope you will find everything you need in those packs.
- Info regarding Weekly tournament. In a case that player is not part of Military Unit, his damage wont be calculated in single tiers. Basically if a player is not part of any Military Unit, he is not participating Weekly Tournament.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,

April is month of surprises, in this article we will show you some of them and how we will try to entertain you.

This event starts on date 01.04.2022 and last until date 30.04.2022. This is new type of event which you did not see in game before, and we hope you will enjoy it. Our focus was to motivate you on April to bring up your friends into game. We hope that we will succeed and you will receive nice rewards for it.
In order to participate in this event you need to have one or more referrals. You will earn egg(s) by their progress, when they grow stronger they will increase their level and you will receive egg(s). For all referrals which are under 50th level, you will receive on their every 10th level - Egg. For all referrals which are above 50th level, on each 5th level you will receive Egg. With each Egg you will be able to open one of 24 rewards which we have prepared to you. Also this event is not only for new players which you invite to game it's for those which you already have under your referral system. You will see list of rewards which you can win when you crack Egg, and you can win each of them fully randomly.

For example, lets say you invite new player to game, when he reach level 10 you will receive one Egg, when he reach level 20 you will receive one Egg, and so on. When that player from level 50 reach level 55 you will receive Egg. Also if some of your referrals return into game, or he is already active, and he is for example level 461, when he reach level 465 you will receive Egg, when he reach level 470 you will receive Egg.
NOTE: While this event is ongoing we will stop providing free Starter Pack, also it's forbiden to sell or gift Starter Pack to another player. For all players who abuse this system and try to make exploited account(s) or something third(violate game rules) he will be strictly punished with 100% profit penalty.

Missions are coming back ! Main points of solving missions remain same, but let s refresh our memory:
It will last from 01.04.2022 to 05.05.2022(Thursday is the last day)
Missions will come in phases(3 of each):
Basic/Grey missions,
When all Basic, Businessman, Soldier and Adventure missions are completed, Expert/Orange missions will appear and after them, one final mission, with a medal on your profile upon successful completion of all missions.
We didn’t added this time rank up mission, but it will be there in next one missions
NOTE: We will unlock option for solving missions with gold in last week.

This is new event in game, and this will be easy one for April. Event start 15.04.2022 and last until 24.04.2022.

Game is really simple. All you have to do is open Easter eggs. There is eggs in this mini game of which 40 of them have bunny (experience).With each click on egg you are opening it, you can earn Points for event or you will just get carrot. Carrot do not bring you anything except loosing attempt onto opening Easter egg while when you open egg and bunny you gain points and rewards. Each attempt for opening egg cost you 5 Energy, every 28 minutes and 46 Seconds you receive 1 Energy point. With each level you gain your maximum energy is growing so you do not have to be so often online to spend Energy. IF you are not patient you can buy Energy from store
Like in all new events we are providing you 44 rewards of which first is free, and you can buy Gold ticket for additional rewards.

We had this event previously, everything will remain same but we changed rewards from first time. Event will start at 08.04.2022 and it will last until 01.05.2022 (Last Day).
It will be consisted of a board with 6 eggs, each with a random reward. Every day at day change you will be able to open 2 eggs for free, with an additional possibility after every 3000 hits you make
NOTE: This time we have changed rewards.

We will provide you Gold mine so you can dig up some gold. You can dig up one time per day gold in mine. Minimum amount from digging is 1 Gold and maximum is 5 Gold
Gold mine will be active from 16.04.2022 to 24.04.2022.

From Day 14.04.2022 to 20.04.2022 you will have discount 25% on Workout Areas, Improved and Strategic Building.

In same time you will also have option to buy yourselfer a pack, again you have erev pack, supply pack and business pack. We hope you will find everything you need in those packs.
- Info regarding Weekly tournament. In a case that player is not part of Military Unit, his damage wont be calculated in single tiers. Basically if a player is not part of any Military Unit, he is not participating Weekly Tournament.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,

BunnyLiuPablo CostaK o BAFKKAFKKarman9BATRANUL99xEserx1905dynamo magicanPANZER llllICenturionCenturionKomentar (48)


First. Im expecti g some reward



EGG Booster = Atilla clones revival









Sounds good !

Please please please say that the LV44 Easter Egg Hunt last reward is that rabbit as pet pleeeeassee admiiiinnn!!!!









2x EGG Booster = Atilla clones revival

I think there was a small error at the beginning of the Easter egg event, it starts on 08.04.2022 and not on 04.08.2022. what can I say very generous Mister Admin, we need a little activity ... The baby boom event will encourage those who are already used to creating clones, I m not too excited ...

We encourage clones!
eRevollution adverdise..... 

Abrhamicos dejaron que suceda, ahora Venezuela, deja a algunos Comandantes, ir a la MECA. Llegará algún Recuerdo a su Morada..? Estamos en tiempos de Resurrección, entonces, del Huevo al Hombre, de la Morada al Frutal, y del Apogeo a la Misa, un Bussines, Pendiente con Pedro Botero una Cuenta Abierta con Juana de Arco.



clones, clones everywhere.... bunnies, bunnies everywhere...

well i didnt play active lately and became totaly useless , cannot even make any impact in battles anymore, but i guess this nonsense with referals this is it for me, so i dont have multi accounts or fake friends or family as my referals so i get nothing. At start in this game every active player had a chance and i was one of the top players and now what do we have, pay money or you are useless ? and now use multies(a.k.a friends), spend more money to get rewards? well screw this, i wish every1 all the best, this is my goodbye for good

So many great news keep it up!! 

No, not again Missions... send 10 contracts bla bla 




add new payment system

I would rather invite my enemies to this game.

So until 1st of April we can request free sp for our multis, right?