Diterbitkan di Romania - Langkah awal di eRevollution - 05 Oct 2022 16:20 - 13

So, from 20 leaves, we have only 7 prizes...
Did you got the same prizes too? Say it on the comments!
edit: the full list of prizes:
- 1x temp HB
- 7 workers
- 25 strength
- 25 intelligence
- 100 airs q5
- 100 tanks q5
- 500 temp RPGs
TsiggerLushaalt puiShaddyBunnyLiuturtumicvisatorThe Last Lynx PardinusT28KDiamantisjokeri2jokeri2jokeri2jokeri2jokeri2jokeri2jokeri2jokeri2jokeri2jokeri2Komentar (13)

Same rewards for me

same here

same o7

Same to me


same type, don t know about the quantity.

Same rewards, 2 days in a row: 500 T RPG, 1 T HB, 100 airs, 100 tanks, 25 int, 25 str, 7 employees.

I will NOT pay, to get rewards from a subgame. (And ESPECIALLY Temporary prizes that i cannot stockpile) I Already have to PAY, to use my strategic companies, i already have to Pay to use Training grounds, even after having to spend THOUSANDS of golds to create those companies.

Important question is: the prizes are good enough to pay the energy spent? They seem to be the same for everyone.

I think it all depends on what you can do instead with the energy. We can lose from 2800 (7 leaves) to 8000 (20 leaves) energy depending of the luck. With 400 energy we can do 40 hits, which may or may not be rewarding (gold, level up, rank up etc.). The temp HB can recover all your energy once, so if you have a high energy and is self-sufficient on food I think it is worth to open the prizes. I will try it, I want the +25 to STR and INT.


Reminds me of the game mines lol. As for me im stockpiling not doing battle or next event gona be a big one.

Got it wrong