Diterbitkan di Bosnia and Herzegovina - Langkah awal di eRevollution - 23 Nov 2023 09:54 - 5
every day the game is getting boring to me...and the missions are not interesting..the best option is to boycott the game..
I know that the administrator likes money, euros, dollars... but administrators, we also like games where the strategy is interesting, now there is NO STRATEGY IN THE GAME AT THE MOMENT.


Nadm se da ce admin skontati da nije sve u parama :)
I know that the administrator likes money, euros, dollars... but administrators, we also like games where the strategy is interesting, now there is NO STRATEGY IN THE GAME AT THE MOMENT.


Nadm se da ce admin skontati da nije sve u parama :)
BunnyLiusteppenwolfKame SenninRomysansarMyCrowMyCrowMyCrowMyCrowMyCrowMyCrowMyCrowMyCrowMyCrowbibin malikakashi681LijaserKomentar (5)

nema šanse da skonta

Join Japan, Join NOW !!!

Aj u dvajs marki da neće

I have been boycotting since I got here dont know where you all have been...lol

My solution - move to Torn!
It is an altogether much more satisfying model than eRep - with strategy at multiple levels. The team play aspects are amazing.
Give it a try - https://www.torn.com/2850579