Diterbitkan di Switzerland - Interaksi Sosial dan Hiburan - 14 May 2024 23:40 - 26
Dear Players,
We are notify you few days before upcoming combines upgrades about its stats and few slight changes regarding it.
Companies Upgrade

Exciting news awaits! Starting from May 20, 2024, you can elevate your companies from Quality 7 to Quality 8. This upgrade heralds the arrival of cutting-edge weaponry, enhancing your arsenal for both land and naval battles.Prepare for a new era of warfare with upgraded production capabilities and formidable firepower at your disposal.


NOTE: All companies which are built before 11.03.2024 that had the old upgrade system (Weapons Factory, Tank Factory, Helicopter Factory, Submarine Factory, Shipyard, Aircraft Factory) will have dissolve companies by its old system. This means that you will receive: 5,10,35,85,185,260,385,300 Gold per quality for dissolve. Firepower will be implemented in game at same day as Q8 companies.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedules, updates, and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,

We are notify you few days before upcoming combines upgrades about its stats and few slight changes regarding it.

Exciting news awaits! Starting from May 20, 2024, you can elevate your companies from Quality 7 to Quality 8. This upgrade heralds the arrival of cutting-edge weaponry, enhancing your arsenal for both land and naval battles.Prepare for a new era of warfare with upgraded production capabilities and formidable firepower at your disposal.

NOTE: All companies which are built before 11.03.2024 that had the old upgrade system (Weapons Factory, Tank Factory, Helicopter Factory, Submarine Factory, Shipyard, Aircraft Factory) will have dissolve companies by its old system. This means that you will receive: 5,10,35,85,185,260,385,300 Gold per quality for dissolve. Firepower will be implemented in game at same day as Q8 companies.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedules, updates, and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,

77teshu77TopSecretTopSecretTopSecretTopSecretJusticeKnightJusticeKnightJusticeKnightD E S T R O Y E RKomentar (26)


I wont say thank you as we shouldnt even be here.. One thing you didnt clarify, is there any time limit on this (there shouldnt be) .



to se traži.

Btw any chance to have it displayed on company when it was built? Can you add that just to make it bit easier to deal with this ?


Sal gelsin


Nevertheless, The main issue is still there:
Why do we have to pay now to have the same damage that we had ???

RPG should have 4x / Q8 should have 3.5x / Q7 should have 3x(like it was before) / Q6 should have 2.5x ...and so on

Dear Admin, I didn't build the companies to demolish them. I don't want half my investment, I already had companies that produced weapons with 2,5 damage. Sorry, not good enough.

ADMIN: Return us The Gold that magically dissapeard when you devalued all Companies !!!!!!!!!!!!

I just Really cannot believe i am hearing this. Par for the Course.

You are really going to Summarily disolve litterally ALL my weapons companies and give me downgrade prices? Geeze, do you know how many Hours and Days and Weeks and Months and YEARS it took me to try to build this empire?
Am i reading this right?


The truth is that it is unfortunate that it forces us to dissolve companies that you yourself made us build and that cost us so much effort to now have to be left with less than half of the gold necessary to build a new company. and just to get weapons that deal the same damage as the old ones, you call this a game improvement?

Lads, from my understanding Factories wont be dissolved by admin, but in future if anyone wants to do it him self, any factory that player has built before 11.3 will be getting same gold as if they dissolved it before update.

Example, if you have 2 tank factories lets say Q3, but one you built before update and spend 100 gold (that much it would cost to build before update), second factory was built after update that you paid 80gold. So they are both Q3, but if YOU decide to dissolve, for first one you will get 50g as thats half of what you paid, for second you will get 40g as thats half of what you paid for second one. What admin needs to confirm is that this will last indefinitely for all companies built prior update, if it doesnt , well it should.

If Weaps Firepower will be fixed, then RPG must have x4 firepower!!!

Admin, stop harming us! I didn't build the companies to dissolve them. I don't want half my investment, i want when you take from 1 guy X amount of gold - this to be for all players, when you make changes just ADD new feature, dont "FIX" something that has worked so far...

nice update voted!

Delete game

Delete game

Sa kojim parama?
Nemam posao, preturam po kontejnerima,
da nađem šta ću da jedem i da obučem.
Kuća mi8je izgorela u podmetnutom požaru,
i sve u kući, nemam krov, plafon, prozore, vrata,
promaja sa svih strana. Kupim stare prozore od
ljudi koji ugrađuju PVC prozore a izbacuju drvene,
da imam malo zavetrine, u toj sobi u kojoj živim ali,
cigani, šiptari i muslimani, njih 15 mi redovno polupaju stakla
na prozore, više od 10 puta su8 mi razbili, košta me oko 200 evra.
i opet nemam, sinoć oko 3h gađali su kamenjem, njih šestoro, sedmoro
i razbili mi stakla, godinu ipo dana me maltretiraju!
Treniraju borilačke veštine, box, kik - box, karate itd.
ako je neko od vas expert za borilačke veštine,
da dođe da ih nauči pameti, maltretiraju me godini ipo dana!
Pljačkaju mi iz kuće, posuđe, hranu, kompjutere,zlatan i platinaast nakit,
vredne knjige, svetsku enciklopediju, veliki format u 3 dela 150 eu, bibliju
stari i novi zavet, veliki format,kupio sam u crkvi za 6800 dinara i još 300
svašta, za pkp 1000 - 1500 eu.