Diterbitkan di Croatia - Interaksi Sosial dan Hiburan - 19 Apr 2016 12:51 - 44
First we would like to apologize because of crash of the server and inability to access the game previous night. There had been error and the server has crashed, but it is all fixed now and it is again running smoothly.
Secondly many new players are joining the game and we of course endorse that and encourage all of you to share the game if you like it. Because of that we have decided to add 3 gold to countrys treasury, whenever a player registered in that country, reaches level 21.
Our game has also been published in Croatian news paper dnevno.hr, gratitude of TaTa RaTa, so we prompt Croatian players to share and like the article :)
We have also changed the True Ally medal to account 100% damage done and introduced National chat, so residents of a country can better communicate with each other.
Best regards,
eRevollution Team

BoraxKomentar (44)

First. give me gold

Урош со среќа 100 дена активност на играта
поздрав (Y)

3rd or 4th give me something ffs?! 


Give France the gold it deserved ! :c


The game is improving, i like it o7

I guess players who already farmed their TAM will not receive the gold for formers TAM ?

Give us orgs.

Make it a little bit retroactive please
You doing reward after the big effort has been mad. For France ^^

short and sexy, jeep it up!


Implement Organizations, 1 per country. If you dont want to let those acc s to have trading abillities, NO PROBLEM! Bring Organizations and let them only to have big storage (used in national purposes - you (admins) wont lose any golds cause peoples anyway use market for storage) in order to CP or MoD or whoever have better control of products collected and shared among cs of some country, in purpose of war, organized strikes, or whatever.... I think that official country newspapers which would come with that ORG and little bigger storage would be just enough to give the player comunity what they need.

Proud to be Croation haahah


then give me back gold from half of true ally madals 

Give some big rewards to players who get 50x sb, 100x sb.


Don t give gold to countries for player reaching lvl 21. It doesn t endorse babyboom but creation of multies.
Instead of that you could actually give reward to people who invite people through websites - newspapers - videos etc. They send you link+screenshot of their effort and you reward them or not. It would be nice to have a badge and special medal for these players 

suck d

Why you speak about multi ? The 3 golds goes to the treasury and no country encourage multi. So no one will actually multi to give at most 10 golds to treasury.
I hope you realise 3 golds is not much on the short run. At most it can help dead countries or robbed countries to come back from ashes. On the long run it helps every one

Admins, You are making good progress, Dont ruin the game for your economic ambition. You know how the other game became a crap and probably carried you to create this, please dont let this happen here. Listen to what people need and evaluate the possibility of implementation
Good work and continue to progress, you are on the right path. My respects to all your team o7

Admins, make some wiki about formulas and other things.

Nice to see that you are doing well to develop game! Good job admins

I still received 2.5 g for true ally
bad job!

Yes, when i say to possible new player that there are players who pay money in this game and they can make 100-200kkk dmg in battle and win 2-3 battles against smaller countries by themselves, they will definetely join this balanced, not ptw game...



So are true ally rewards going retroactively for the damage already accounted?


I think its a good idea to add some income to the contries, but why not give a share from the medals achieved by the players. Probably 10% would do it.
Key problems need to be identified, the benefits are too great if somebody invites somebody this leads to botfarming, having fakes, having disposible fakes or political power.
What if the needed lvl to vote, apply to be a congressman, join a party and a military unit would be increased constantly?
With this step exemples like what happened in slovakia couldnt happen, where a lvl 20 player with less thn 200 strenght (thats aprox less than 20 days game experiance) could grab money (100 gold plus 22000cc) from the slovakian treasury.
Anyways as i know you admins didnt made any steps yet, and doesnt even respond to sent email, and no money was recovered.




great o7

good changes. thanks for your hard work.

Keep up the good work!