Diterbitkan di Greece - Interaksi Sosial dan Hiburan - 11 May 2016 13:20 - 101
As you know, we are watching troll wars more than e-wars. Here it is opportunity to end this for all of us. Let's make our choose. :)
I will give all donations to winner as reward, feel free to donate golds etc :P
For voting;
And write a comment, which one would you vote for. (maybe there can be a problem about strawpoll)
Here candidates;

1-Agoria 10 DEM
2-tokian 25 DEM
3-BattleHero 25 RON
4-DejanNK 5 DEM
5-El viejo25 ARS
6-Amotries 5 CAD
7-MachakTheBeast 5 BAM
8-LeTunisien 5 FRF
9-Marlock 25 HRK
10-Hanibal 10 GEL
11-Sultan Haydar Bas 1 Gold ;)
12-TerrorMachine25 RSD
13-Jimmy86 25 RSD
14-BlackFury 25 GEL
15-Fric 5 DEM
16-misho 25 GEL
17-Kinght of Brutality25 RSD
18-Borghese28 5 HUF
19-KBaz 5 IRR
20-ASAP 25 MKD
21-Giga 25 GEL
22-osteanroman 10 RON
23-Kinsc 25 TRY
24-homyhomer 10 RON
25-Seijfin Multi2 Gold
26-yuoTO 5 TRY
27-svarozic 25 HRK
28-Ancestral 5 PTE
29-Radu Brinzan25 RON
30-Axabawws 25 RON
31-MSDehghan 25 IRR
32-Nemeton 25 HRK
33-evilgod 25 RON
34-undead 25 RSD
35-youmu 5 JPY
36-Glanza 10 RSD
37-Rapin 25 JPY
38-Saint Optimum5 RSD
39-IMIGRAlboz 25 FRF
40-Lukas Pim25 FRF
41-JudasDemise5 RSD
42-YousufMunaf 25 JPY
44-DrethGar 5 DEM
45-Ready to Die25 DEM
46-Israelgf 5 ESP
47-Lorm 10 HUF
48-MgDark 5 VEB
49-Sar Bel10 CZK
50-d0ct0rward0m 5 TRY
51-Zombres 5 TRY
I will give all donations to winner as reward, feel free to donate golds etc :P
For voting;
And write a comment, which one would you vote for. (maybe there can be a problem about strawpoll)
Here candidates;

1-Agoria 10 DEM
2-tokian 25 DEM
3-BattleHero 25 RON
4-DejanNK 5 DEM
5-El viejo25 ARS
6-Amotries 5 CAD
7-MachakTheBeast 5 BAM
8-LeTunisien 5 FRF
9-Marlock 25 HRK
10-Hanibal 10 GEL
11-Sultan Haydar Bas 1 Gold ;)
12-TerrorMachine25 RSD
13-Jimmy86 25 RSD
14-BlackFury 25 GEL
15-Fric 5 DEM
16-misho 25 GEL
17-Kinght of Brutality25 RSD
18-Borghese28 5 HUF
19-KBaz 5 IRR
20-ASAP 25 MKD
21-Giga 25 GEL
22-osteanroman 10 RON
23-Kinsc 25 TRY
24-homyhomer 10 RON
25-Seijfin Multi2 Gold
26-yuoTO 5 TRY
27-svarozic 25 HRK
28-Ancestral 5 PTE
29-Radu Brinzan25 RON
30-Axabawws 25 RON
31-MSDehghan 25 IRR
32-Nemeton 25 HRK
33-evilgod 25 RON
34-undead 25 RSD
35-youmu 5 JPY
36-Glanza 10 RSD
37-Rapin 25 JPY
38-Saint Optimum5 RSD
39-IMIGRAlboz 25 FRF
40-Lukas Pim25 FRF
41-JudasDemise5 RSD
42-YousufMunaf 25 JPY
44-DrethGar 5 DEM
45-Ready to Die25 DEM
46-Israelgf 5 ESP
47-Lorm 10 HUF
48-MgDark 5 VEB
49-Sar Bel10 CZK
50-d0ct0rward0m 5 TRY
51-Zombres 5 TRY
AgoriatokianBattleHeroDejanNKEl viejoAmotries1st GermanLeFrancaisMarlockHanibalvariola veraT O R E T T OBlackfurySee you againCacique ParamaiboaK o BHi i am a simple multiASAPGigaeCarterosteanromanTyraelhomersimpsonsvarozicCimenBatuPermanently bannedAncestralAxabawwsAlexandersisakNemetonevilgodDead SSF FAMILIJAGiovinco69GlanzaKant Step In Ze Rap InSaint OptimumKRATTOSGovernadorJudasDemiseYousufMunafEsdeathDrethGarDeath Angel AzrielIsraelgfLormJotaSar Belld0ct0rward0mZombresKomentar (101)

Marlock ile BattleHero arasında kaldım :/ Marlock..

pirinç xd


I voted marlock for good trolling, and when it comes to synhro - most probably best photoshop and picture editing skills !


ofc svslee

Oscar goes to Marlockkkkk

why is there no representative from france?..oh yea no sense of humor

but, where is me?

Marlockkk I chosee you FUnny Croatia Kid

Synhro is my choice and my muse 

revo you are troll of my heart

where is govedo? 

Since he s retired, I vote Marlock 

Marlock ofc

deadly is in love with mlohava chuna, so i vote for marlock


of course Marduck
sorry bro ı vote of course MARLOCK


Absolutely new trend Battlehero

Where is Sejfin Multi 



Marlock The One Only !!!

marlock the best.



vooz, you and battlehero are my favor but i think you should write much more on the mainwall or make more articles like bh :/

We want Sefin Multi on list


sorry machak, shamefin is not troll, he is just little kid with shauna or something and repater of marlock 

OMG i was a trol then i choose my self haha

unvote ,no Sejfin on list




Vooz of course!

Marlock, bokte logicno xD

were is GIGA


vV This is silly. I do not troll. =3

Let me think hmm forget about it totally Marlock lol

Sejfin Multi

Marlok, Masters degree in trolling

bunu marlock kazanmıcakta kim kazanıcak

you forgot Govedo
no vote

ahahaha ko je ova nejac 

yeah sorry for that, i forgot many trolls but i checked almost all newspapers before making this list


What am I doing here? WTF?? 


No Sejfin Multi, no vote from me 

I ll vote Marlock. That man is a savage 

Sultan you little Kurd why you don t put me on list 

@sejfin ahaasjasjhsdh 



I like comic strips. Vote for BatlleHero 

A lot of people are missing. Especially french troll :p

Sultan are you kurd or Turk? sejfin confused people 

no matter what i am. i don t care about races

@sejfin is right panpa.

Sultan gay not a criminal!

where is Sejfin Multi?? this is not professional job

Sejfin is not a troll, he is just a provocateur

Tukyu liznes mi tuki :3

BH voted . Good luck for everybody !

Donating awards for the biggest troll!? That s some high-level trolling right there!

I am not in a list but i donate some gold and money.It s only because Marlock will be winner :3

I vote on Phor Killick.


Someone (Marlock) will become very rich soon)))

Marlock the best


Wherebam I at? I m the most wanted man in France?

Let s get things clear: BattleHero s troll is okay, with GIFs. Marlock s troll is kinda childish interesting tho.... synhro s troll is a whole different thing, his troll is classy stylish. His troll contains the biggest savage level compared to any... well okay, not with me xD


I need some trolling to experience first... Though to enjoy the taste, even the essence of it... And to gain understanding...

Where is Govedo ????

@Hophop I pick trolls by articles

Marlock ofskroz

Im not on a list because Im not a troll. I just tell the truth to people, so if that truth hurts and produce tears...its not my falt




New in-game EVENT: http://image.prntscr.com/image/64bd2e2e7d514e25921783b1bd8727a6.png


there are all suckers


v82 o7


i vote Marlock for the infamous troll of Georgia o7

1. Marlock 2. Battlehero

http://prntscr.com/b3ll4a ^^

trolling on erevollution
