Diterbitkan di United Kingdom - Interaksi Sosial dan Hiburan - 28 May 2016 00:31 - 104
The Beginners Workout Area is now available to players to up to 1500 strength, but now gives 20 strength like the way it did only if you are below 1000 strength, and if you are between 1000-1500 strength you receive 10 strength from training with it.
For better protection from multi making it is now necessary to be at least level 23 to start a Resistance War.
The new event is called Ally Support, and as you might have guessed it's about helping your allies and other countries in battles.

You will be able to win rewards by fighting in battles. To unlock the reward you will have to make 30 hits (300 energy) in 5 different battles(total 1500 energy) for 5 different countries, and then claim it.
So that means fighting for 5 different countries and doing enough hits for each battle. Which countries you pick doesn't matter.

When you do enough hits for certain country it is marked with a star, for the ones who aren't completed yet, there is a number how many hits you have made.

Rewards are daily, so don't forget to claim them every day.

eRevollution Team

Tyraelbarcelona oleeeOverclockerddddkavalano0bsailbotelenoulinijj tuckerMukhraniSalih37BlackfuryDisturbedKomentar (104)




hard vote 1st

bring 2x energy so babyes can make this too 

nigga wut? o7


It s pretty hard to do without houses: I spend +10 hits on DO (100 energy) and 200 energy on manager work only a 100 energy buffer remains, as we only have 2400 energy available each day.


2000 24-hour energy will fill kshu friend pirdh in that edhien with this mission

for the players that have companies it s much more difficult

bikkin you can use hospital as well or energy bars .... but I would like to know how much strenght do the reward give ?

@mcmoox 5 strength man

Is there only one reward when you complete whole mission or there are rewards for every part?

admin wolfcu çıktı

5 fronts ...

آفرین ادمین یه چیزایی بلدی

Add orgs

Ally Support Weekly Events and updates[TR] [LawyeR]



Hell yeah

To !


V o7



dobar update...a da ubacite misiju ispucat 1400 well za igraće do 1500 snage i izvršenjem misije da se otkljuća trening +20 i +10 a ne bildat botove free,pokrenula bi se i potrošnja hrane i aktivnost a ne dvoklikaše motivirat samo o7

@admin thanks

44 boiz

good update for growing countries , specially TG part .

where is heli?

I am writing 1 article with RL pictures of eRevo players. If you want to share your picture with the world send me your picture in PM. 3 best pictures will win the prize.

I don t like this event

Not a good idea. 2000 energy is almost a full days energy, so you d have to be almost all day and night to use them, unless you were in a country with a hospital and use houses/energy bars. After all that, the rewards look pretty poor. Add to that, if your country is involved in a battle, you ll be spending most of your energy fighting for them.

+1Not a good idea. 2000 energy is almost a full days energy, so you d have to be almost all day and night to use them, unless you were in a country with a hospital and use houses/energy bars...the rewards look pretty poor. Add to that, if your country is involved in a battle, you ll be spending most of your energy fighting for them.

excellent news

No vale la pena, poco premio para el esfuerzo y el gasto que supone.

+1Not a good idea. 2000 energy is almost a full days energy, so you d have to be almost all day and night to use them, unless you were in a country with a hospital and use houses/energy bars...the rewards look pretty poor. Add to that, if your country is involved in a battle, you ll be spending most of your energy fighting for them.

Beginer training ground will be better if will be in function of the strong players and don t need to change that every two month

+1 Beginer training ground will be better if will be in function of the strong players and don t need to change that every two month


Ovaj weekly events je najgori do sad!

Give players Beginners Training Ground - proportional to the strongest character s strength in Erev - regardless of their actual strength! So they have the chance to catch up, albeit with much time and patience. Current system with +20 and +10 strength is OK, but make it available for everyone adding a +5 strength option as well.

As i said before, silly...!!!
Thanks again admin, it didnt be a suprise for us 

Wow this 1.5k str update make me sad 

Wiped countries have no chance on this!

pfff.... update to make bigger the gap beatwin players... really stupid!
soon the gap is so big that no one wanna start the game and others gonna leave it.

Whaaaat? +2000 energy, like I have to spend all day in-game to refill energy and you get only one reward instead of multiple per enemy. You are asking too much for very little (and us beginner players can t complete). Very bad event :/

just won first dialy reward ^_^

2000 energy and travel to 5 regions (1.5gold). This is a LOT for all and let alone beginner players...

I like the event, it requires activity and planning , and not everyone will be able to get it I m pretty sure ,but that s how events should be in my opinion. (ofc you can get it by buying ebs and making it easier with houses but that s life)

very good decisions



What about conquered countries

Opet nedeljni izazov za Visa igrače. Sto već jaki ne bi bili još jači kad plaćaju? A Vi ostali, ko vas... šiša!

Realno pored svoje bitke ti ovaj event ne mozes da zavrsis.

I ll not sleep, I ll trawel fight most time this week

+ 1000 Not a good idea. 2000 energy is almost a full days energy, so you d have to be almost all day and night to use them, unless you were in a country with a hospital and use houses/energy bars. After all that, the rewards look pretty poor. Add to that, if your country is involved in a battle, you ll be spending most of your energy fighting for them. ... Bad event

if you dont like the event dont play it its simple as that get over it this will be it

Not a good idea. 2000 energy is almost a full days energy, so you d have to be almost all day and night to use them, unless you were in a country with a hospital and use houses/energy bars...the rewards look pretty poor. Add to that, if your country is involved in a battle, you ll be spending most of your energy fighting for them.

Hello, pizza spaghetti e mandolino ส็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็


vote vote vote nice 

Is there any progress paysafecard?


ok ty


Hail allies

Stupid! Rewards look pretty poor. And if your country is involved in a battle, you`ll be spending most of your energy fighting for them :/

+ 1000 Not a good idea. 2000 energy is almost a full days energy, so you d have to be almost all day and night to use them, unless you were in a country with a hospital and use houses/energy bars. After all that, the rewards look pretty poor. Add to that, if your country is involved in a battle, you ll be spending most of your energy fighting for them. ... Bad event

+ 1000 Not a good idea. 2000 energy is almost a full days energy, so you d have to be almost all day and night to use them, unless you were in a country with a hospital and use houses/energy bars. After all that, the rewards look pretty poor. Add to that, if your country is involved in a battle, you ll be spending most of your energy fighting for them. ... Bad event


+ 1000 Not a good idea. 2000 energy is almost a full days energy, so you d have to be almost all day and night to use them, unless you were in a country with a hospital and use houses/energy bars. After all that, the rewards look pretty poor. Add to that, if your country is involved in a battle, you ll be spending most of your energy fighting for them. ... Bad event

Kampret ya lu ga bilang2

very bad

So I have to spend 0,6 gold to travel to fights every day?


Please put more missions

+1000 energy is Not Good

Donate and WIN: https://www.erevollution.com/ro/article/7271


After changing amount of energy I like this event.