Diterbitkan di Serbia - Interaksi Sosial dan Hiburan - 14 Jun 2016 02:25 - 29
Ne volim da pišem, ne zato što ne znam, niti što mi fali ideja, nego valjda ko većini pravih crnogoraca draža mi je puška nego olovka.
To je i razlog što iako ovo igram od prvog dana, novine sam napravio tek prije dan, dva.
Tako da onome ko ne želi da se muči sa ovim člancima iz top 5 i da mu treba pola sata da stigne do mjesta da ostavi komentar, evo jedna laganica. Ovdje kako otvoriš članak možeš odmah da ostaviš komentar. A uz njega valjala bi pretplata i glas :D
I do not like to write, not because I do not know, or what's wrong with the idea, but I guess when most real Montenegrins prefer my rifle than a pen.This is the reason why even though this play from the first day, the newspapers have made only a day or two.So the one who does not want to bother with these articles from the top 5 and that he needed half an hour to get to the place to leave a comment, here is a piece of cake. This is how you open the article you immediately to leave a comment. And with it rolled to subscription and voice :Dgoogle translate
sub + vote + com
vač čika Zoka
To je i razlog što iako ovo igram od prvog dana, novine sam napravio tek prije dan, dva.
Tako da onome ko ne želi da se muči sa ovim člancima iz top 5 i da mu treba pola sata da stigne do mjesta da ostavi komentar, evo jedna laganica. Ovdje kako otvoriš članak možeš odmah da ostaviš komentar. A uz njega valjala bi pretplata i glas :D
I do not like to write, not because I do not know, or what's wrong with the idea, but I guess when most real Montenegrins prefer my rifle than a pen.This is the reason why even though this play from the first day, the newspapers have made only a day or two.So the one who does not want to bother with these articles from the top 5 and that he needed half an hour to get to the place to leave a comment, here is a piece of cake. This is how you open the article you immediately to leave a comment. And with it rolled to subscription and voice :Dgoogle translate
sub + vote + com
vač čika Zoka
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čika Zoki više voli da priča nego da piše ili puca 

evo ratnice, dobio si sveeeee






s34 v






e moj cika zoki....

Sto jes` - jes`!