Körfez Haber

Pubblicato in Iran - Analisi di guerra - 25 Aug 2016 02:26 - 15


In this article, I will show you MDP-Unity wars and damages between Day 225 - 228.

Romania-Serbia~ Serbia Won
Iran-Croatia~ Iran Won
Bulgaria-Serbia~ Serbia Won
BiH-Iran~ BiH Won
Croatia-Iran~ Iran Won
BiH-Iran~ BiH Won
FYROM-Greece~ Greece Won
BiH-Iran~ BiH Won
BiH-Iran~ BiH Won
Portugal-Spain~ Portugal Won

MDP Won= 4 Wars
Unity Won= 7 Wars

MDP's Damages= 15.016.525.496
Unity's Damages= 15.792.988.769

Postscript- I didn't add Hungary vs MDP wars because Hungary and MDP signed NAP.

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Best Wishes


Hassan70General Pidbulahaftvud

Commenti (15)

Ah! And they say the game is unbalanced! xD
V o7
@abe, there is no unity alliance damage. check serbia battles
It s a good idea, but try to make it more visually appealing, using images, bolds, centers, etc... Voted anyways Smile
Hail BiH ! o7
This is perfectly balanced
-like DaltonicD v
you made that 15 billions on ds. and brazilian 3 tanks tanked for cro about 1 billion. do you think they will make it every battle? and add at least french 10 billions to mdp side and on normal battle without ds you will receive 10 billion against 40
Eline saglik , anlasiliyor ama Turkcesini de eklesen daha hos olurdu . o7
OMG FIX THE BALANCE UNITY IS TO STRONG ITS NOT FAIR !!!!!!!!!!!!! #butthurted2016 #crymeariver #erevisnotfairgamesinceday1