Pubblicato in Canada - Analisi di guerra - 12 Sep 2016 11:25 - 9
Dragi građani eKanade danas dana 246. eKanada je pobjedila u bitci protiv eFrancuske . I još jednom smo pokazali da smo mala zemlja ali da imamo jake borce. Ovom prilikom se zahvaljujem svim borcima i igračima eKanade.
Zahvaljujemo se našem savezu INVICTUS. Zahvaljujemo se našim velikim prijateljima eMakedoncima. Zahvaljujemo se i igraču Galaico
U nastavku su ss-ovi
Dear citizens eCanada today day 246 eCanada won the battle against eFrance . And once again we have shown that we are a small country but we have a strong fighters . On this occasion, I wish to thank all veterans and players eCanada .
We thank our alliance INVICTUS . We thank our great friends eMacedonians . Thank the player Galaico
Below are the ss
Zahvaljujemo se našem savezu INVICTUS. Zahvaljujemo se našim velikim prijateljima eMakedoncima. Zahvaljujemo se i igraču Galaico
U nastavku su ss-ovi
Dear citizens eCanada today day 246 eCanada won the battle against eFrance . And once again we have shown that we are a small country but we have a strong fighters . On this occasion, I wish to thank all veterans and players eCanada .
We thank our alliance INVICTUS . We thank our great friends eMacedonians . Thank the player Galaico
Below are the ss
Commenti (9)
Ffries with salt
Ffries with salt
o7 xdxd